FEKO: merging transformations into the model
How do you merge transformations (translations, scaling, rotating,etc) into the model so that the model remains intact without transformations included?
Read XML data with multiple child nodes and transform into examples
I have records in XML like the one below. Each record has one parent <Id></id> and unlimited number of child events. Each event has it's own <EventId></EventId>. All <Id> and <EventId> are unique. <Request> <hd_att1>false</hd_att1> <hd_att2>true</hd_att2> <detail> <info1>false</info1> <info2>false</info2> <Id>14901</Id>…
Result after stemming as same as the previous format
Hello RM COmmunity! I have data something like this: Keyword Author Year buy; great robots; battery AA 2020 play; great robot; battery BB 2021 etc I did stemming for keywords so "great robots" become "great robot", etc using Process Documents from Data (tokenized it with this ; semicolon character), but the result on…
Dear All, I am a terrific newbie on rapidminer. I need to extract dominant cycles (peaks of frequencies) on a time series of the financial tools, in the example of S&P future, candlesticks on 1-minute timeframe. I have previously calculated per minute the average price value (high+low)/2 and then the moving average on 10…
Changing Data in Rapidminer
Hello everyone, I am currently working with rapidminer and I got a question for which i didnt find any helpful information yet. For preparing my data I have a huge Excel file which i uploaded in Rapidminer. Since I want to analyse the data I need some new rows which I would like to create in Rapidminer. For example I have…
How to reduce attribute to 3 values
Dear RapidMiner Community, I am struggeling to figure out , how to reduce my target attribute (Label) to 3 values. The target attribute is identified as integer and contains following numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 The aim is, to transform the numbers into following form:Low quality (values <6) Medium quality (values = 6) High…
how to get a text between two phrases using cut stage
I have a phrase "Automobile stocks are A1,A2 and A3." I want to fetch A1,A2 and A3 i.e. substring between two strings of an attribute, please suggest
Possibility to capitalize first letter in each word
Hello all, I'd like to capitalize each word in an example set. Source (all lower case): Result (first letter ist upper case): I tried different approaches with RegEx but I couldn't achieve my goal. Maybe you can help me out? :) Kind regards, Patrick
How to create new Rows data based on split character values in Column data
I have data like as below Name Subject Grade John Eng,Math A,B Clarice Eng,Science O,B Kennedy Math O Kevin Eng A How do i generate new rows based on the column which has , on them Name Subject Grade John Eng A John Math B Clarice Eng O Clarice Science B Kennedy Math O Kevin Eng A
How to create a QQ plot ?
Hi there, is there a way to create a QQ plot in RM? Best regards
DataTransformation (power)
Hello, I feel a bit stupid asking this... After 2 years using RM. I would like to perform a power transformation like yeo-johnson and I'm not finding an operator to do that. Does it exist? Regards
Split cell data into rows
Hello, Is there a way to split data in a cell to rows, instead columns? Example: What I really need now is the results one below the other, instead of columns.... Thank you!
Crear nuevo atributo a partir de datos acumulados [Disaggregates cummulative values]
[Scroll down for English] Estimados todos, Agradezco su ayuda con el siguiente problema. Deseo calcular un nuevo atributo (columna) desagregando los datos acumulados de otro atributo que son los datos conocidos y disponibles. Por ejemplo, mi tabla tiene, entre muchos otros, los siguientes atributos: Product_ID,…
Creating an attribute with reference values from another ExampleSet
Hi, everyone. I'm stucked some days with the creation of an attriibute that must be filled with the values from another example set, result from an aggregation operation. There is a "CNPJ" attribute on the main example set, that has it's values repeated over the 25.000+ rows. The aggregation set is made of 700+ rows of…