How much Token need for Rapidminer / Monarch / Panopticon
How much Token need for Rapidminer / Monarch / Panopticon
物理シミュレーションとデータ解析で最適化するデジタルツイン / インダストリアルデジタルツインサミット2024講演資料
現代のモノづくりにおける主な課題には、製品の複雑化や、開発および実環境でのテスト期間と予算の制約がある。また、脱炭素社会の実現に向けて、製品の運用条件を最適化することも急務である。アルテアは、これらの課題を解決するために、物理シミュレーション(CAE)とデータ駆動の統計・機械学習を融合させたデジタルツインプラットフォームを提供している。本講演では、ネットワンシステムズ株式会社との協業によるデジタルツインの実践と、同社のInnovation Showcaseで展示されるロボットアームへの適用事例を取り上げ、その成果と可能性について紹介する。 インダストリアルデジタルツインサミット 2024 2024年8月2日(金)9:30~18:00…
Use Altair AI Cloud with Panopticon to Analyze Season Ticketholder Renewals
The combination of Altair AI Cloud and Altair Panopticon is ideal for many types of analytics projects. In this video, you will see how you can use this software, both part of the Altair RapidMiner data analytics platform, to analyze season ticket holder renewals. Panopticon provides all the capabilities you need to build…
Software Support Policy for Data Analytics Products
Software Support Policy Latest Product Versions Product Name Current Version Versions Supported Altair Monarch (formerly Altair Modeler) 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Monarch Server 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Panopticon (formerly Panopticon Server) – Visualization Server 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Knowledge Studio/Seeker 2024…
Future Says | Democratizing Finance with DeFi and Crypto featuring Nikita Fadeev, Portfolio Manager, Fasanara Digital
Future Says Series 2, Episode 2: Tune in now and find out what's happening in the world of cryptocurrency with Nikita Fadeev from Fasanara Digital. Watch this episode to discover: * What FinTech disruptors can learn from traditional financial institutions * Why youth (usually) beats experience in these uncharted waters *…
Future Says Series 2: Sustainable AI with Maria Luciana Axente from PwC UK
Welcome to Future Says Series 2! Our first episode in the new series is an in-depth interview with Maria Luciana Axente, the Responsible AI and AI for Good Lead at PwC UK. During this episode, we discuss: * Why we need frameworks as a precursor to the deployment of AI * Why we should welcome the EU’s new proposal for a…
Welcome to the Future Says Series! Series 1 Episode 5 features Georg Von Zedwitz-Liebenstein from Scania Financial Services in conversation with Sean Lang on the topic of AI foundations
Future Says Series Series 1 Episode 5 features Georg Von Zedwitz-Liebenstein from Scania Financial Services in conversation with Sean Lang on the topic of AI foundations. They discuss: * Why it is important to have a solid data infrastructure * Why you need clear ownership of data within organizations * Why it is important…
Welcome to the Future Says Series! Series 1 Episode 4 features Errol Koolmeister from H&M in conversation with Sean Lang on the topic of Amplified Intelligence
Future Says Series Series 1 Episode 4 features Errol Koolmeister from H&M in conversation with Sean Lang on the topic of Amplified Intelligence They discuss: * Why we need the fusion between humans and artificial intelligence for the future * How we can address the concerns around AI displacing jobs * Why organizations…
Welcome to the Future Says Series! Series 1 Episode 3 features Dr. Richard Benjamins from Telefonica in conversation with Sean Lang on the topic of AI for social good
Future Says Series Series 1 Episode 3 features Dr. Richard Benjamins from Telefonica in conversation with Sean Lang on the topic of AI for social good They discuss: * Why we need to leverage the power of data and AI not only for business but also for the good of society * How mobile data can be used for the greater good *…
Welcome to the Future Says Series! Series 1 Episode 2 features Girish Agarwal from Piab in conversation with Sean Lang on the topic of AI Business Model Innovation
Future Says Series Series 1 Episode 2 features Girish Agarwal in conversation with Sean Lang on the topic of AI Business Model Innovation They discuss: 1. Why failure to operationalize an ethical AI strategy is a distinct threat to organizational bottom lines and reputations 2. Why requirements for due diligence and…
Welcome to the Future Says Series! Series 1 Episode 1 features Aiko Yamashita from DNB bank in conversation with our host Sean Lang on the topic of Ethical AI.
Future Says Series Series 1 Episode 1 features Aiko Yamashita from DNB bank in conversation with our host Sean Lang on the topic of Ethical AI. They discuss: 1. Why failure to operationalize an ethical AI strategy is a distinct threat to organizational bottom lines and reputations 2. Why requirements for due diligence and…
Control Tick Mark Labels on Time Axes
Panopticon 2021.1 introduces new ways to control tick mark labels on time axes. End Points and Tick Points menus provide a wide range of formats to choose from and dashboard designers can also specify custom formats. The Minimum Time Axis Range and the associated Increment Step menus provide new levels of control when…
Five New Text Color Palettes
Panopticon 2021.1 introduces five new text color palettes that give dashboard designers more styling choices. Designers can also create custom palettes and save those as part of a theme for later reuse. This video was produced with Panopticon 2021.1.
Add Path Lines to Maps
Panopticon 2021.1 supports the ability to draw two types of path lines on map plots: * Great circle arcs are curved lines that follow the surface of the Earth. * Rhumb lines are straight and connect map positions based on a Mercator projection. Analysts can filter the number of map points displayed on a map plot and the…
Numeric Combination and Text Combination Visualizations
Panopticon 2021.1 supports two new types of combination visualizations: Numeric combination visualizations and text combination visualizations. These amplify the capabilities of the existing time combination visualization. The numeric and text combination graphs allow users to add multiple variables to the same chart and…
Set Alignment of Axis Tick Mark Labels
Panopticon provides several options for configuring the alignment of axis tick mark labels. Dashboard designers can set the labels at any angle, positive or negative. In a live dashboard, Panopticon will automatically adjust and display fewer labels If there is not enough space to accommodate labels for every tick point.…
Control Axis Margin Widths
Panopticon allows dashboard designers to set axis margin widths in several places through menus as well as with mouse gestures. Analysts using Panopticon dashboards in presentation mode can also use the mouse to adjust axis margin widths as needed to ensure that any unexpectedly long labels remain visible. This video was…
Visualize Abstract Datasets and Objects with 3D Scatterplots
The 3D scatterplot visualization in Altair® Panopticon™ enables analysts to explore datasets in three dimensions. The data can be abstract; for example, you can make a 3D plot of securities based on price movements or other properties. The data can also correlate to physical objects, including geophysical coordinates. This…
What Panopticon Expects in Return from R
In this tutorial video you will see an overview of the most common data object types in R and learn what kind of R objects Panopticon will accept in return from R. If you are new to R, this video will be useful for understanding the basic data objects in R. It will also help you avoid making bad choices that may work in a…
Add Dynamic Reference Lines to Panopticon Dashboards
In this video you will learn how to create dynamic horizontal reference lines in a timeseries visualization. These allow dashboard users to control the position of reference lines with a numeric slider that sets a parameter value and expand Y-axis value span beyond the values in the dataset.
Add Digital Clocks to Panopticon Dashboards
In this video you will learn how to use a special server parameter and a data table refresh rate of 1 second to create a digital clock on your dashboard.
Add Alpha Level Controls to Panopticon Dashboards
In this video you will learn how to use a calculated column, a dynamic parameter, and a numeric action slider to create a settings control for the alpha blending level in a visualization.
Exception Handling in R-code
This video continues and builds upon the video "Best Practices for Using R Transforms." In this tutorial video you will learn how to improve your R-code to handle exceptions in a way that avoids disruption and assures that your R-transforms always returns a meaningful result. By adding tryCatch-clauses to your R-code, you…
Use Panopticon Parameters in R Code
This video continues and builds upon the video “Best Practices for Using R Transforms”. In this tutorial video you will learn how to create R-transforms in Panopticon that utilize Panopticon parameters that you can set and control through the dashboard.
Best Practices for Using R Transforms
In this tutorial you will learn how to organize your R-code used in Panopticon R-transforms in ways that facilitate code maintenance, enable code re-use, and improve performance of you transforms. Specifically, you will learn about the benefit of writing your R scripts as functions that can be saved as separate files and…