How can I illustrate 3D directivity pattern of a MIMO array
Hello, I want to illustrate 3D directivity pattern of a MIMO array. How can I do this? What I have done till now is that I have defined coordinates of transmitters and receivers in EDITFEKO. But, I do not know how to illustrate 3D directivity pattern of my MIMO array. If it is possible, please provide me with a sample feko…
Changing simulation medium
Hello, can you somehow define simulation material without defining specific 3D model? I wanted to simulate antenna beneath the earth to make a scenario with "infintie" burial dimensions. I kept using sommerfeld integrals from Construct->Structuers->Planes/arrays->Plane/ground. Basically is there anyway to fill "white…
EDEM - Stress relaxation
Hello, I hope this finds you well. I am trying to perform a stress relaxation experiment in which the force increases gradually from 0 to the maximum force of 42 N. After reaching 42N, it is held constant for 50 secs and then decreases gradually. Just to take things bit by bit, I decided to start with the gradual increase…
how to download hyperworks 2020.1 version
hello, i upgrade my computer. so, i want to download hyperworks 2020.1 version. but, it can't do in marketplace or altair connect. pls help me
I am using HPC cluster to run radioss job. If I have to terminate simulation run, how to restarting radioss simulation on HPC cluster?
Altair Flux Frozen Permeability Macro
I have been trying to get the frozen permeability macro to work but I keep getting results that show the permeability not changing with time/with the position of a rotor in a motor simulation. I don't know what is causing these incorrect results but I have tried it one multiple different models and keep getting the same…
automating a .dpwx
I created a dmod file that retrieves data from a PDF file but my client wanted to remove duplicates. So I worked on Data prep studio to remove duplicates and created a dpwx file. These treatments are automated with a .bat on the server and it works very well with the dmod (before creating the .dpwx) but we cannot get the…
Instruction SQL SERVER BULK INSERT d'un fichier.txt dans une TABLE SQL SERVER
version francaise ( Bonjour, puis-je avoir un exemple de requête avec une instruction "bulk insert" à partir d'un fichier .txt vers une table sql server dans l'onglet "Requête" ?
*** ERROR # 583 *** Missing objective, DESGLB and DESSUB data must be used together with an objective function defined by DESOBJ, MINMAX, or MAXMIN.
I am a beginner in the composite optimization and I follow all the steps from the tutorial to do this optimization, but I got the same error and I don`t know why. If there is anyone that could help me I would be so gratefull because I had been trying to find the solution so many days and I didn`t get anything. If there is…
Is it possible to import h3d file in google slide like in power point ?
Is it possible to import h3d file in google slide like in power point ?
Mfluid element mass repartition :OS-V: 0460 Dynamic Behavior of a Fluid-containing Structure using MFLUID
I have been using the benchmark model appearing in your guide for some simulations. OS-V: 0460 Dynamic Behavior of a Fluid-containing Structure using MFLUID However there are some points that I would like to clarify with your support on these models to get a better understanding of the Mfluid element available on your…
Flux 2D failing to open project
I'm trying to open my 2D project in Flux, I haven't had this issue before. It's having the following error when I try to open the file. Can not execute the following command : loadProject('FILE NAME') openProject : Execution failed. Failed execution Problem to read the file : 'FILE NAME' BDSINI => Beginning to restore…
hypermesh 투명도, 컬러 오류
1. HyperMesh의 transparency가 작동하지 않습니다.. 2. HyperMesh의 Geometry color mode에서 by part 모드로 바꾸면 Component가 까맣게 보입니다.. 뭐가 문제일까요.....? 인터넷에 서치를 해 봐도 아무런 자문도 구할 수 없었습니다.. 도움을 주신다면 정말 감사드리겠습니다....
Strain rate effect on composite material (/MAT/COMPSH)
Hello everyone, I would like to enrich the material card of a composite material with the effect of strain rate, using the parameter c, but I have the problem that both conditions of low strain rate and high strain rate are affected by this introduction. In particular, the curves of both specimens get higher. In this…
"The problem must not have circuit with MD3TWOM, MD3SCA formulations"
I'm trying to use non-meshed coils and I'm running into this error when I try to solve. Under the electrical tab for the coil editor, I have associated an electrical component from the circuit for both coils. I don't have any coils that don't have an associated electrical component, or any electrical components without an…
save only a part of time integration
I am running motionsolve with a template with 2 or 3 <Simulate> commands. The solver uses sensors to decide when to stop one time-integration. These are dummy time-histo. Only the last time integration is of interest. Is there any way to allow plt and all the output files to chop the time histo and save only the last…
Can I create a non-meshed coil from an existing volume?
I have two volumes that I would like to use as non-meshed coil magnetic sources. Is there any way to use a volume to define a non-meshed coil, rather than having to create one manually?
TCL Hypermesh syntax again: loop to store elements
Hello, Here again on my script, thanks to @Michael Herve and @Marc Arnold I go ahead little by little. Now I try to store in a set some elements depending of their coordinates. To simplify here, I have just a row of nodes, 2 rows of elements, and I would like to store elements only if their centerX is bigger than the X of…
PBSのファイル転送 stagein/stageout およびsandbox属性について
この文章ではPBS Professionalで使用するアプリケーションファイルの転送方法、 stagein/stageout job属性 (attribute)、sandbox属性等について解説します。 当文書では以下の4台で環境を構成している例を使用します。 pbs-head: 管理サーバ pbs_server,pbs_sched,pbs_commの各デーモンが稼働 node01: 計算ノード pbs_momデーモンが稼働、Optistructがインストールされている node02: 計算ノード pbs_momデーモンが稼働、Optistructがインストールされている front-end:…
error when opening .cfx file in CADFEKO
Hello, in the following link I asked a question, and one person answered my question with two file with formats ".cfx" and ".pre" : How extract s-parameters in EditFeko - Feko - Altair Products - Altair Community but I can not open ".cfx" file in my system. I can open all of the other ".cfx" file in my system. I do not…
How extract s-parameters in EditFeko
Hello, I have an array of receiver/transmitter antenna point located on the same plane.(our antenna are modeled with just point source). I have a simple object in front of my array. I wish to perform synthetic aperture radar imaging. So, I want to transmit signal to the image in transmitters' locations and receive…
what type of post-processing has to be used for 2D elm PSHEL with MAT 8
Hello, I'm trying to obtain the stress or forces of 2D elm defined with PSHELL with a MAT8 (with a E = to an equivalent E of composite material). I would like to see the radial and tangential forces or stresses and bending and torsion. I have in the contour plot stress or 2D force. But I don't know exactly what i see : is…
PSHELL Formulation for Multiple MIDs
Can you please help me understand how the MID1, MID2, MID3 and MID4 entries on a PSHELL card work together to represent the complete ABD matrix of a laminate? I was reading the documentation, which states that only G13 and G23 are needed for the MID4 entry. If this is the case, how is the extension-bending coupling…
INTERNAL PROGRAMMING ERROR # 8008 CHECK detects overwriting of data block: rauspc.
Hi all. I´m doing a transient direct analysis of a suspension assembly I saw on youtube. I did exactly what the video´s guy made, but at the moment of running the .fem in optistruct I get the following message. *** INTERNAL PROGRAMMING ERROR # 8008 *** CHECK detects overwriting of data block: rauspc. * DATAMANAGER ERROR in…