Altair Flux Frozen Permeability Macro

Will_20672 Altair Community Member
edited March 2024 in Community Q&A

I have been trying to get the frozen permeability macro to work but I keep getting results that show the permeability not changing with time/with the position of a rotor in a motor simulation. I don't know what is causing these incorrect results but I have tried it one multiple different models and keep getting the same result.

As an example, I tried running the macro on one of the examples included with flux which I have attached. Please help me figure out what is wrong with how I'm running this macro that's causing this issue.



  • C_Favre
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024


    I have analysed the project and the curve you displayed does not considered the change in the permeability done during the solving. This curve display for each step of the solving scenario the material property used for the last computation point, it is due to the method we used to change the material over the steps.

    To see the evolution of the value during the solving I suggest you to create a sensor before the solving that compute on a point of the stator  the relative permeability, and check at the end of the second solving the values of the sensor. In this case the sensor should show the variation of relative permeability.

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards.

    Cyril Favre