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In this video we will highlight the workflow for performing a composite steel design on a structure using the Korean Steel Design Codes in S-FRAME.
S-FRAME 2025 Product Suite is here! We are excited to share the latest release of S-FRAME’s family of tools. This is a major update as new design codes have been added for steel and concrete designs, allowing for even more flexibility on your projects. Stability and performance have been improved as well, as also some…
I'm getting the following error message when I try to open Sframe. I'm not sure how to fix it. Can someone please help me?
In this video we will look at the code checking and design of steel structures using S-FRAME's Steel Design workflow. For more details on Steel Design with S-FRAME, check out this playlist: You can also find training material for S-FRAME here: S-FRAME…
Composite Steel Design in S-FRAME/S-STEEL Composite steel beams utilize the compressive strength of concrete in tandem with the tensile strength of steel to facilitate efficient, yet structurally sound designs. When designed correctly, composite steel beams can offer longer beam spans, reduced steel beam sizes, and less…
S-STEEL includes many standard steel databases, but it's also possible to import custom steel databases for designing and code compliance validation. Watch how to import custom steel databases and apply them to steel members in an S-FRAME model.
S-FRAME's steel design tool (Also known as S-STEEL) is constantly updated; it is now possible to execute code checks and design all types of steel structures with the AISC 360-2022 building code as you can see below
Join us for a short, yet detailed tutorial on designing latticed steel transmission structures using Altair S-FRAME, following the provisions outlined in ASCE 10-15. In this quick and informative video, we'll walk through the steps to take after performing your structural analysis to produce a detailed design code check.…
In this comprehensive tutorial, discover how to utilize S-FRAME to design Fixed Offshore Platforms according to the API RP 2A - WSD 22 design code provisions. Dive into the world of offshore engineering as we explore the powerful capabilities of S-FRAME for structural analysis and design. Follow step-by-step demonstrations…
S-FRAME's 2022.2 release includes the ability to perform steel design and code checking as per IS 800 (2007) design code specifications. This allows users to utilize the integrated (S-STEEL), or Standalone (S-PAD) steel design engine to validate existing steel section assignments, or optimize steel sections according to…
In this video we go over the steps to perform a steel code check in S-STEEL. Simply select the desired sections (or a group of members), and proceed with the code check according to the design code of interest for different Load Cases/Load Combinations. View the Code Check Utilization Ratios (with the Colorized Legend…
Composite steel beams combine the compressive strength of concrete with the tensile strength of steel to facilitate efficient yet structurally sound designs. If correctly designed, composite steel beams can have longer beam spans, reduced steel beam sizes, and less deflection than standard steel beams. Engineers must…
This tutorial walks through the steps needed to design and optimize a 3D steel frame structure.