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Good evening everyone, Currently, I am busy with Rattle risk assessments using ALTAIR Squeak and Rattle Director (in HyperWorks 2022.3). After I finished my FE-model, added gap dimension data to the E-Lines and applied a load signal from a .csv-file, I started running the analysis using ALTAIR OptiStruct. Unfortunately, I…
Squeaks and rattles are unwanted noises that are directly related to the perceived quality of a product. In this video, you will see how to identify and eliminate such issues using a simulation-driven approach with Altair SimSolid. CAD geometry, loads and solved model can be found attached to this article. Conclusions: -…
Dear all, I want to use measured and filtered acceleration data in the time domain as an excitation load for a model in Squeak & Rattle Director. Therefore, the data have been processed using MATLAB and then have been stored as a .csv file. Furthermore, the sample rate and cutoff frequencies have been adopted to Hyperworks…
Squeak and Rattle Director(以下SnRDと略します)を使うと、製品のきしみ・がたつきの発生リスクを簡単な操作で予測可能です。 HyperWorksの一機能として入っているのでHyperWorksをインストールされている方であれば使用可能です。(ご契約ライセンス形態によっては使用不可の場合もあります) 本記事ではSnRDの起動方法・簡単な操作説明・きしみ評価時の注意点などを動画で説明します。 1.SnRD起動方法 一度Loadすればあとは不要な操作です。 2.SnRD操作説明 3.きしみ評価時の注意点(Impulse Rateの値選定方法) SnRDのきしみ音発生リスク評価ではきしみの発生しやすさをImpulse…
What is difference between in plane and normal to plane rattle e-line creation? when to use them?
It’s crazy how we’ve been working from home for more than a year now. I do have to say that I am amazed at how well my partner and I adapted. We have definitely gotten our money’s worth with the espresso machine we splurged on pre-pandemic (not sure how I will ever be able to go back to office coffee) and I’m definitely…
The summer of 2007 when I was 18 years old was hands down the best summer of my life. Why? Because my best friend got her driver’s license and with that, access to her mom’s car. We grew up in a very small town and the only way to get around was by bike or bus. But that summer everything changed, because now we had a car!…
Altair’s Squeak and Rattle Director (SnRD) enables expert and novice computer-aided engineering (CAE) engineers to rapidly identify and eliminate squeak and rattle in products at an early design stage. By utilizing a novel set of tools and methods in a streamlined, semi-automated process that is fully integrated in the…