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Hello, I open this discussion because, in the SIMLAB fatigue analysis I raised the question related the Torsion fatigue limit. In detail is a parameter that I cannot find in material datasheet and also into the Altair material database is a parameter. Considering that I would like also to run not only stress life fatigue…
Hello everyone, I have some 3D-Shell-Model. Its material property is Elastomer (rubber with Hyperelastic property) 1. How should i create the new Material, which Material ID? (I have test result in the table form) 2. Which Element type should i create in my shell model (to assignment in "create property" and see…
Release Highlights 2024.0 AMDC Team is very excited to announce the release of version 2024.0! This release introduces a new licensing model for AMDC and brings a major update to the material data offering, together with some highly requested software features. New licensing for AMDC: Altair introduces a new licensing…
Hi all, We have a new Instructor Led Training offering about “Altair Material Data Center - Public Database” For more comprehensive information about “Altair Material Data Center - Public Database”, please visit the Altair Learn site ( under Class Schedule to check for scheduled sessions and…
Altair Material Data Center’s feature rich and powerful data management tools enable organizations enforce standards by providing a centralized material data storage, maintenance & sharing solution. Together with a highly scalable architecture, and a powerful API interface for connecting seamlessly with external systems…
Hi, I'm a student in mechanical engineering, and I am just beginning with Altair HyperWork software. I am currently working on a project to analyze the bending in endplate of race car front and rear wing. These parts are made of 2 plys of CFRP and a Nomex honeycomb core. I want to know if the end plate will fail under the…
ALTAIR MATERIAL DATA CENTER - DEFINE USER ACCESS AND ROLES 1. Go to Your Profile, Managed Licenses 2. Go to License Settings, Managed, Group Tab, Add/Select a Group 3. Define User – Click on Add User 4. Search and Select User to Add 5. Add User 6. Assign License 7. Select License 8. Submit 9. Group now contains one User…
How to Launch Altair Material Data Center Sign In: Altair One - Home Go To: Altair One - Marketplace Launch Altair Material Data Center Launch the application to access the Altair material data. You can customize and launch the application from Favorite Apps, on the Altair One Home page. * Login to Altair One.…
You can compare up to 7 properties for a maximum of 5 materials in AMDC's Polar Charts. This lets you study the tradeoffs and select the most suitable material for your product! You can also download an image in a PDF! For further information click here.
Hi all, We have a new Instructor Led Training offering about “Altair Material Data Center”. Please visit the Altair Learn site ( under Class Schedule to view available dates. You will need to register by searching for the “Altair Material Data Center” course and clicking “Register Now”, then you…