AMDC 2024.0 is here!

Release Highlights 2024.0
AMDC Team is very excited to announce the release of version 2024.0!
This release introduces a new licensing model for AMDC and brings a major update to the material data offering, together with some highly requested software features.
New licensing for AMDC:
Altair introduces a new licensing model for AMDC: Explorer & ExplorerPlus!
This replaces the current AMDC Premium license.
While Explorer grants access to all material data, plots and CAE interfaces for Altair tools, ExplorerPlus unlocks the full potential of AMDC – in addition to all features of Explorer, download CAE cards for third party simulation tools, access to PEM test data, study carbon footprint of materials.
Free access to AMDC will be continued as Guest (free to access, no login required) and as Viewer (free to access, AltairOne account needed) modes.
Here is a summary of what is available with the new licenses:
New materials in AMDC:
With 2024.0 AMDC offers 10,000 new material datasets from to a broad range of material types containing new properties and curves. This vastly improves AMDC's competitiveness with an impressive breadth and depth in our data offering. Here’re some interesting points about the latest data
- More than 600 new metals, raising the total number of metals in AMDC to over 5100!
This includes not only new steels but also aluminum, titanium, nickel, copper and many more alloys
- 1300 datasets on glasses
- 1600 new functional materials such as adhesives, structural foams, fuel cell, battery and electro ceramics
- 5500 datasets on various types of salts that can be used in batteries
- Almost 500 new datasets on elements and chemicals
These new material data come with new temperature dependent curves such as thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, bulk modulus, shear modulus, refractive index for glasses and many more!
Further creep data on metals is also available.
More Data for CAE:
Support for structural simulations has been extended for additional 1000 materials. This includes over 230 materials from JAHM, which can now be downloaded for Radioss Law36 and OptiStruct MATS1. More than 300 new materials are now available for high-frequency electromagnetic simulations.
With this release, users can choose to download CAE ready material cards in U.S. Customary Units.
New software features:
Finding similar/alternative materials:
A highly requested feature is the newly added ‘Similar Materials’ tools. This allows users to quickly find materials that are similar to a particular material of interest. Similarity is evaluated in terms of physical properties of the material and the material type. In the public database users can find materials based on similar mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Customers with a private database can define their own rules that are to be used for finding similar materials.
Badges showing new/updated materials:
As AMDC’s database is continuously updated and expanded, users would find it useful to be able to quickly identify which materials have been newly added to the database and which ones have been recently updated. Besides an announcement on the landing page the newly added filters and the easily recognizable badges guide users to the latest data updates in AMDC:
CAE Card preview:
A very useful feature often requested by CAE users is the ability to preview the material card before downloading. This helps users review the data with all information and flags before they download a particular CAE card.
Updated PDF Design:
A lot of users visit AMDC to look up, compare and download PDF datasheets for materials.
This release comes with an updated design for material datasheets:
Private Database customers often prefer customizing PDF downloads from their databases.
The new updated design can be used as an example in showcasing what is possible.
Improved user feedback for a better user experience:
a. Showing number of displayed materials
A useful enhancement is the addition of a field that shows the total number of materials displayed at any moment:
b. Zero result searches:
Sometimes a specific combination of search keywords and filters may not return any results.
With the new improved feedback, users are prompted to review the search criteria, and remove filters and hence broaden the search.
Feel feel free to visit and explore the most exhaustive CAE-ready material database!