Study bending resistance of composite sandwich structure

I'm a student in mechanical engineering, and I am just beginning with Altair HyperWork software.
I am currently working on a project to analyze the bending in endplate of race car front and rear wing.
These parts are made of 2 plys of CFRP and a Nomex honeycomb core.
I want to know if the end plate will fail under the aerodynamic loads.
From what I understand, for the carbon fiber ply, I can use the MAT8 Datacard and enter the ultimate tension/compression and shear strength.
For the Nomex, I think I have to use the MAT9OR and MATF Datacard. However, I am not sure which failure criteria is best for that.
I looked at the TSAI-WU 3D failure criteria, but it seems complicated to obtain the V10, V11 and V12 coefficient.
So, I wonder is there any approximation that I can use for V10, V11 and V12?
Otherwise, what criteria is usually used for orthotropic core like Nomex?
Best regards,
Frédéric Auger
Hi, Frédéric. I hope you are fine.
As for the values of V10, V11 and V12, I would recommend you to do your own test or request these values from the manufacturer. And about which criteria you should use, I recommend reviewing the theory of failure criteria and choosing the one that best fits your project, as this will depend on what your goal is with this, you can be more or less cautious.
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Arthur Penha_20544 said:
Hi, Frédéric. I hope you are fine.
As for the values of V10, V11 and V12, I would recommend you to do your own test or request these values from the manufacturer. And about which criteria you should use, I recommend reviewing the theory of failure criteria and choosing the one that best fits your project, as this will depend on what your goal is with this, you can be more or less cautious.
But, if unsure which criteria failure to use, prefer STRN as a first step.