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Dear sir, I am doing a research on RADIOSS. When the job run for a while, the error message id 42 is shown. It said that "Bus Error" (as the picture attacthed), I google how to solve but the result is not exist. Please advice me where I can find the meaning of the error or suggest me how to solve that problem. Thank you in…
Submodel technique is a powerful tool that can be used in many cases for structural models. Submodel (or Local model) is based on using the displacements from a Global model, and map these to a small part of the original model, acting as boundary conditions for this new model. The advantages of this approach are: - after…
Hello, is it possible to run a matlab script from a Hypermesh makro? What i want to do is - setup modal analysis in Hypermesh - run tcl makro, which executes the solver - saving the pch file from the modal analysis - run the matlab script (which imports the pch file and exports a txt file) - import the txt file within the…
Has Inspire, a result about residual stress, after a metallic element print simulation? I didn't found it.
I can login on the internet at Altairone. But I can not login into Altair Inspire or Inspire Render. There is always the Error Code "Invalid license". What is the problem here?
Issue MPI multi-node cluster jobs on Linux errors out due to SSH error. For example, the following error may occur: Error :/bin/ssh: $ALTAIR_HOME/altair/hwsolvers/common/python/python3.5/linux64/lib/ version OPENSSL_1.0.2 not found (required by /bin/ssh). This issue can occur when the libcrypto library from…
Learn how to submit a job with Altair Access Web 2019.2