PollexのPCB-level EMI DFEについて
こんにちは皆さん。 松川と申します。 題記の件2024/12/04にFekoに関するセミナーを受講しました。 その際資料のなかで以下が示されました。 使用によればGNDのスリットについてその際が示されています。 通常このようなスリットはアナログGNDとデジタルGNDを分割し その影響を受けないようにすることに用いられつと認識しています。 種々の情報からPollexではクロック信号のようなデジタル信号以外 電流分布は解析できず、Fekoへのデータエクスポートもできないと 理解しています。 上記の資料は正しいのでしょうか?認識が違えばご教授頂けますと 助かります。
PCB-level EMI checking with PollEx DFE
I was told by a Japanese distributor that Pollex cannot calculate the PCB current of analog signals. Looking at the top right of Page42, the difference in radiation noise due to the presence or absence of a GND slit is shown. In the PCB on the top left of Page42, it appears that the analog GND and digital GND are probably…
How to Add 3D models to Parts in PollEx
In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to add and edit 3D models for your PCB using Pollex. To start, you need to upload the design of your printed circuit board (PCB) onto PollEx. Once your PCB design is loaded, hover over the "File" tab at the top of the screen and select "Save as Project" from the dropdown menu. Click…
How to Analyze HDMI PCB Layout
Introduction This document shows how to analyze HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) PCB layout design with PollEx SI (Signal Integrity) tool. Background: HDMI Specification Version 1.3 * HDMI system architecture * The HDMI cable and connectors carry 4 differential pairs; 3 TMDS data and 1 clock channels (TMDS:…
The PCB board used in the tutorials; Where can i find the schematic of it ?
How to import an Altium Designer Schematic to PollEx Logic
In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to import an Altium Designer Schematic into PollEx Logic. PollEx Logic doesn’t read binary *.SchDoc files so the schematic needs to be “Saved As” an “Advanced Schematic ascii” format as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Save as “Advanced Schematic ascii” PollEx also doesn’t get the netlist…
How to setup PollEx to import binary (.brd) designs from Cadence Allegro
Altair PollEx is said to be “ECAD Agnostic”, which means it can import PCB designs from every mayor ECAD vendor. Due to how some vendors handle their file formats, some configuration must be done to import designs. In this tutorial, the steps to correctly set up PollEx to import Cadence Allegro designs are shown. * Find…
PollEx: Where to obtain the tutorial *.sdbb files
Hi, we are currently starting with PollEx. We cannot find the tutorial *.sdbb files e.g. C:\Temp\Altair-PollEx\Manufacture\BlockJIGGenerator\PollEx_New_Sample_Array.pdbb and also all the other stuff needed for the tutorials, except the Pdf's and Html's. According to our IT it was not part of the Installation Package. Where…
What's New in PollEx 2023
PollEx 2023 is available with a long list of new features, corrections, and improvements. Let's have a look at the key features of Altair PollEx 2023! * The PCB menus have been reorganized to provide better clarity. Figure 1. PCB menu reorganization * * The Technical Cleanliness feature has been enhanced to export analysis…
Use Verification to Ensure Protection Against Electrostatic Discharge
Altair PollEx and Electrostatic Discharge PollEx Design for Electrical (DFE) and Logic Design for Electrical (LDFE) are great tools when looking for design flaws or anticipating them. Their main purpose is to translate design conventions and accumulated knowledge to detect issues related to Signal Integrity, Power…
Growing Companies Need PCB Verification in Their Workflow
Managing a growing team effectively can be done only by developing best practices and a process workflow. As the size of a company grows, more engineers are needed to work on the different projects. Having a strong workflow allows you to improve execution, knowing there are process checks and reviews required. A strong…
how to generate variable frequency signals from stm32f407VE board using altair block or extern function simultaneously on 10 pins
Hi, I am working on a project with STM32F407VE Black Dev board and i want to generate variable frequency signals from multiple pins of board simultaneously. please help me with this problem ,i have tried using tone function in extern function and even with GPIO and signal producer. Both of the methods are not giving the…
Enable the Link to ECAD function for Cadence Allegro
PollEx is a great extension to any design software due to its robust verification capabilities. To better enhance the experience, PollEx has the Link to ECAD feature which allows users to view areas of interest on Allegro’s PCB Editor when reviewing verification results. Figure 1 PollEx (left) and PCB Editor (right)…
Extending Your Verification Capabilities Beyond Design Rule Checking with Altair PollEx
There tends to be significant hesitancy toward verification tools, mostly when comparing them to a design software’s design rule checking (DRC). DRC is a set of rules that prevent errors in design and are applied live when a user is designing a printed circuit board (PCB). For PCB designers and manufacturers in the…
What's New in PollEx 2022.3
PollEx 2022.3 is available with a long list of new features, corrections, and improvements. Let's have a look at the key features of Altair PollEx 2022.3! * Added a Technical Cleanliness menu to inspect and analyze contamination and ensure cleanliness from particles on a PCB board. * An optional module of the PollEx PCB *…
EV Charge Controller Design
EV Charge Controller Design Ed Wettlaufer Senior Technical Specialist Jacob Hammitte Project Engineer – Mechatronics Background – AFREECAR – Mobility and Freedom for All the World Mobility improves quality of life by providing access to people, places, and experiences. It also enables economic advancement by providing…
プリント基板の設計評価ツールAltair PollExについて、基板のサンプルデータをもとに構造解析用モデルを作成し、Altair Radiossによる衝撃解析を実施した事例をご紹介します。 背景と目的 電機製品が落下したときやトラックによる搬送時などにおいてプリント基板に衝撃力が発生します。 衝撃力などによるプリント基板の剥離発生の詳細な挙動を実験的に評価することは困難です。 そこで有限要素法による衝撃シミュレーションを実施し、剥離発生部位を予測する手法を検討します。 本例ではAltair PollExのサンプル基板モデルをもとに衝撃解析コードAltair RADIOSS用モデルを構築し、解析を実施します。 衝撃解析のワークフロー…
What's New in PollEx UDE 2022
* Added a feature to display the detailed net information. Display the connected parts information in the netlist. Display the net name and reference pin list on the BOM list. * Added a feature to compare net information. Compare netlist between two revisions and display the changed net names or changed parts. * Added a…
What's New in PollEx 2022
PollEx 2022 is available with a long list of new features, corrections, and improvements. Let's have a look at the key features of Altair PollEx 20212! * Changed the unit draw of the PollExVerification feature to 30 AUs from 50AUs. The related PollEx products are DFM, DFA, DFE, DFE+, and Logic DFE. * PCB: Import Zuken…
Tool for creating/editing IBIS model file?
PollEx has a powerful IBIS viewer, however I haven't found the way to change the model itself. Does ALtair offer a tool/funtinality to create/edit IBIS model (e,g, something similiar to IBIS modeler inside HLynx) ?
Shielding Effectiveness of an Enclosure for a Battery Pack PCB
Electromagnetic shielding is necessary to protect certain RF components from external electromagnetic signals or for preventing a strong RF signal from leaking out interfering with other electronics in the system. Shielding can be used locally or globally on a PCB depending on the application of intend. For example, a…
Step-by-Step guide to setting up DFE Verification using PollEx
In this video tutorial, you will find the detailed steps for DFE (Design for Electric Performance) verification setting using PollEx PCB. This Article contains an attached pdf file for your reference along with the PollEx model file. The video displayed below will help you follow all the steps in the pdf file.
Desense Mitigation using Altair PollEx and Feko
Release Highlights - PollEx UDE 2021.1
Let's see the highlights of Altair PollEx UDE release 2021.1. Overview PollEx UDE is an optimized unified management system for electrical-design in a mechanical-design based product lifecycle management (PLM) system. It manages ECAD linked part-schematic-PCB design processes and improves design quality through applying…
What's New in PollEx 2021.1
Let’s have a look at the key features of Altair PollEx 2021.1! Adding and modifying new license features * New license feature code: PollExMFG is added for the PollEx manufacturing options which will draw the same 30 AUs. * Changed license feature code: PollEx UPE application is available in PollExBasic feature which will…