How to Add 3D models to Parts in PollEx

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to add and edit 3D models for your PCB using Pollex.
To start, you need to upload the design of your printed circuit board (PCB) onto PollEx. Once your PCB design is loaded, hover over the "File" tab at the top of the screen and select "Save as Project" from the dropdown menu. Click on it to save your PCB as a project file.
After saving your design, click on the "Properties" tab, scroll down, and select "Parts".
Once you select "Parts," a menu will appear displaying a list of part names along with their footprints and pin counts. For this example, we will use the resistor with the part name “CIM05F750NC”.
To find the 3D model of your part, open any browser and go to You will be taken to a screen similar to the one shown in the image below. In the search bar, enter the footprint name of the part. After you click "Search", a list of models will appear. Once you find the model with the matching footprint name, look all the way to the right under "Models Available". If the three figures beneath the text are red, it indicates that models are available for download.
Once you click on the part model that matches your footprint, several images of the model will appear.
Click on "Download Now", then click the drop-down arrow next to "Altair" and select "SimLab." After that, scroll to the bottom and click "Login to Download". You will be prompted to enter some basic information, and then the model will begin downloading. To expedite the process, you can create an account before searching for your part.
To confirm that your model is downloading, a message will appear on your screen. Once the download is complete, go to your downloads folder and open the file.
Once you open the file, click on "Extract All" and choose the location where you want to save the file. After selecting the location, click "Extract".
Once you have extracted your model, go to your downloads and open the project file you created earlier. Inside this file, you will find a folder labeled "Part", which contains folders for each part name. For this demonstration, locate the folder named "CIM05F750NC". Open this folder, and then click on the tab with the Pollex symbol. If you have opened it correctly, it should resemble the figure shown below.
Next, click the arrow next to the “Package Type” icon. Since we are using a resistor for this example, select "Chip Resistor". After choosing the package type, click on "Package" and then select "Import". Import the model you saved from Ultra Librarian into PollEx.
Once your model is uploaded, select “Edit Package Body”. Four images of the 3D model will appear from different angles. To make the images transparent, click on the 3D figure.
On the right-hand side of your screen, you will see X, Y, and Z columns. To ensure an accurate 3D model of the part, adjust the Z column so that the resistor sits flush with the axis, as shown in the figures below.
For better alignment of your part, select both the "3D View" and "3D View with Board" options to view the resistor in context. Once you have successfully aligned your part with the board, click on "File" and then "Save" to ensure your updated work is preserved when you close the program.
Your 3D model is now available.