how to generate variable frequency signals from stm32f407VE board using altair block or extern function simultaneously on 10 pins

Ganesh H R
Ganesh H R New Altair Community Member
edited July 2023 in Community Q&A


  I am working on a project with STM32F407VE Black Dev board and i want to generate variable frequency signals from multiple pins of board simultaneously. please help me with this problem ,i have tried using tone function in extern function and even with GPIO and signal producer. Both of the methods are not giving the expected output.

thanking you, 



  • Rhonda_20369
    Rhonda_20369 New Altair Community Member
    edited July 2023

    Hi, Ganesh,

    You want to find an Altair block which can "generate variable frequency signals from multiple pins of board simultaneously".

    It seems that your work is to design an algorithm, then, implement your algorithm with an Altair circuit consists of some Altair blocks.

  • Albert_Dunford
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2023

    Hi Ganesh, 

    PSIM does not support ST parts, we can generate a variable PWM for TI c2000 parts. Embed does support the ST parts, but we don't support a dynamic period change (changing frequency) through code gen. You can easily inject custom code with an extern element.



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