下記で、MotionSolveとOptiStructの非線形過渡応答解析を連成させた例題を公開しました。 従来バージョンでは、OptiStruct/Implicitとの連成のみサポートされていましたが、Altair Simulation 2024より、OptiStruct/Explicitとの連成がサポートされ、非線形性が高く収束性の困難な問題に対し、計算が安定・高速化されます。 車両と燃料タンクの例題をOptiStruct/Explicit用に更新しました。 PDFの設定手順書とモデルデータをダウンロードしてご利用ください。 Altair Simulation 2024以上が必要です。 使用ソフト: マルチボディシステムシミュレーション|…
In Hyperstudy the link didn't work
I'm following tutorial video for optimization. Defined few values using data sets from motionview and define gravity(only for import not active). And get output response using edempy_post.py In the setup the co-simulate work well. but, in Doe or optimization the changing of values in motionview didn't work. How can I fix…
Shaker Post Simulation for a 6x4 Truck in MotionSolve
INTRODUCTION The shaker post test is used in the research phase to test vehicle suspensions and evaluate vehicle durability. Actuators at each wheel simulate road forces and displacements. Tests can be performed by inputting simple displacement wave forms to each actuator or by reproducing the displacements experienced by…
Crankshaft and Connecting Rod Validation for a V6 Hybrid Power Unit in MotionSolve and Twin Activate
Overview Introduction Hybrid vehicles serve as a bridge between the long-range, reliable internal combustion engine and the efficient, environmentally friendly electric motor. While adopting many strengths of both, hybrid vehicles also create new challenges. These hybrid power units must be validated to ensure performance…
Meaning of spline id=-1 in .log file
Hello, I'm curious if anyone knows what may cause a spline ID of -1 to be referenced in a "value out of range" warning in a motionsolve .log file. This doesn't appear to be a valid spline ID and I can't find any splines in my model with an xend = 80 either, so I'm guessing this is an auto-generated utility spline, possibly…
Animate Simulation Results in Batch Using Compose and HyperView
Altair Compose is a tool that can enhance our usage of other simulation tools. In this small post I will show you how you can use it to run multibody systems simulations using MotionSolve and animate your results in HyperView, all with a single click. This example is based on the Python script shown in Drive MotionSolve…
Motor not actuating the wheels
Dear, I loaded a basic full car model with two electric motors and 4WD and perform a constant radius event. The only modification I made was to the suspension points. However, when I try to run the simulation, it always fails. Fortunately, an animation file is generated, and when I view it, I notice that the car starts…
Motionsolve, is it always possible to see the collision in a contact?
Hi, I'm currently working for the first time in motionsolve, in my model I need to define a contact but I'm not sure of the collision I can expect from this. In details, I've defined the model as shown in the following picture: where the components 1,2 and 3 are free to rotate around a shaft in the middle (red dot). I've…
Hello everyone! My engineering capstone project is an analysis of vibrations in wheelchairs. What is the best way to approach this work using Altair?
I would like to know if MotionView is the best solution for conducting the analysis. If I already have my 3D CAD parts completed, can I import these CAD drawings into MotionView, create the joints, and test vibration on a virtual road? Or do I need to use the Vehicle Tools to start modeling a half-car to simulate my…
No updating of the Types/Requests/Components or the chart in Hypegraph
Hi all, When I'm working in Motionview and I add for example an output with some parameters to evaluate, I open the .abf file in Hypergraph and commonly the Output Expressions, the values or or the new names in case of renamed some Expression before are not updated (or don't appear yet) and I need to open first a different…
More problems with the smoothness of the Torque plot results
Hello again. I continue having problems when I plot the torque of a simple model than a linear screw. The model (attached) is simple I have a 200kg mass with a linear movement (STEP5) actuated by a rotary motor that transform the rotationl movement in linear. When I plot the torque of the motor, I have the next: With a RMS…
No tire lateral forces in quasi static simulation
When i run a quasi static simulation on a vehicle with a lateral force input applied on the vehicle, the vehicle is freely sliding across the road. The tires don't generate any forces in lateral direction. I was anticipating that the tires would generate frictional resistance inline with the friction value defined in the…
Driver panel display issue
Hello, I am trying to create a custom event, and I understand that this requires modifying the behavior of the Altair driver by changing its input file. However, I'm facing an issue—when I attempt to view the Altair driver's panel, nothing is displayed (please see the attached picture). As a result, I am unable to modify…
How to Simulate Stone Chipping Using EDEM and MotionSolve
Predicting the dynamics and effects of stone chipping on cars can be challenging. In this webinar, you'll learn how to use Altair® EDEM™ to simulate gravel and how to couple this simulation with Altair® MotionSolve® to accurately represent equipment motion. We'll also utilize PM-FlexTire® to simulate tire-soft soil…
Undesired initial displacement?
Hi colleges, I'm working with a movement of a part, using the next Expression: `STEP5(TIME,0,0,0.1,80)+STEP5(TIME,0.2,80,0.3,0)` And the part, at the start has a initial displacement of 80mm: I don't understand where comes this initial displacement, any mistake in the Expression? I attached the complet file. Thanks!
Wheel Loader Simulation using MotionSolve and Activate
Overview This is a co-simulation example of a wheel loader model using MotionView / MotionSolve along with Activate. The simulation: * Models the dynamic effect on the wheel loader during operation * Connects a hydraulics model in Activate with mechanical model in MotionSolve * Predicts the stress in Boom, Connecting Rod…
Wheel Loader Simulation with romAI
Overview System simulation can support the design process by estimating the loads and stresses on critical components ensuring the desired performance. Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) help us to speed-up the study by replacing the DEM system with a more time efficient but still accurate Reduced-Order Model? In this demo…
How can I adjust the animation speed at real time speed?
Hello all, When I animate a simulation in Motionview, the duration time of the animation comes from (if I'm right) the print interval and the frames that you animate. How can I adjust the speed of the video to real time? (I mean, that 1 second in the video has the duration of a second in real life). Thanks!
Problems during making rigid groups in Motionview
Hi colleges, I have a lot of problems when I'm triying to making rigid groups, in several ocasions, when I want to add different bodies making a group, there are parts that add to it without cklicking them, or some parts are added to other different groups that are created before. In some occasion a lot of bodies was…
Defining Force data against varying pressure values for an AirSpring
A frequent question that has been asked about AirSprings in MotionView. How is the force based off a pressure determined? By looking over the .asg file (attached). The first column in the XY_DATA table contains spring heights at which measured or calculated forces are quoted in the second through last columns. In the…
Macro To Create Weld Connections Between Flexbodies
Evaluating connections between components is crucial for design analysis in engineering. This challenge spans various domains, including welds, electrical components, adhesives, snap fits, and more. While multibody analysis can be used to validate these connections, incorporating flexible bodies into the analysis can…
Comparison Between Component Mode Synthesis Methods
MotionView provides several advanced component mode synthesis (CMS) methods for structural analysis: Craig Bampton, Craig Bampton with Geometric Stiffness, Craig Chang, and Craig Chang with Contact. * Craig Bampton Method: This technique involves computing mode shapes by applying unit displacements at each interface node…
Use a Variable value in Expression?
Hi all, I'm trying to use a Variable value in a Expression, for example, I've created the variable "Speed": And I want to use it as a variable in the body Motion Expression: But it doesn't works. Do you know haw can I use variables values to use in Expressions? Thanks!
Non smooth plot, undesired points in chart.
Hello collegues, I have a modell in motionview, and I locate an output of the torque applied in a rotational motion. The motion follows the next expression:…
Stop motion in a joint in an specific desired time?
Hello all, Do you know if it's possible, to act with a motion (displacement, velocity or acceleration) in a joint, during only a range of time, and not in all the simulation time? I want to move an object in vertical direction, during a time, and then, leave it drop by gravity (cancel the motion in an specific time of the…