How to Simulate Stone Chipping Using EDEM and MotionSolve

Altair Employee
edited September 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

Predicting the dynamics and effects of stone chipping on cars can be challenging. In this webinar, you'll learn how to use Altair® EDEM™ to simulate gravel and how to couple this simulation with Altair® MotionSolve® to accurately represent equipment motion. We'll also utilize PM-FlexTire® to simulate tire-soft soil interaction.

Key takeaways:

 1. Create realistic gravel material using EDEM
 2. Calibrate EDEM model parameters to match the physical properties of gravel
 3. Generate kinematics in MotionSolve for co-simulation with EDEM
 4. Use PM-FlexTire for soft soil interaction with the car

Join us on Tuesday, October 1!


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