Measure function in hyperwork
Hi everyone, I would like to know the function used for the Measure tool in HyperWorks. I checked the documentation and noticed that running the Measure function in HyperWorks does not record any commands in the command history section. Additionally, I could not find any useful information about this in the documentation.…
Integrating non-HyperWorks solver in HyperStudy
Hello HyperStudy users, To check if a specific non-HyperWorks solver can be integrated with HyperStudy, one must ensure that the below listed pre-requisites are fulfilled: If the non-HyperWorks solver meets the above listed pre-requisites, one can follow the below-mentioned process of integrating non-HyperWorks solver with…
Missing metadata for multiple different tabs
Hello, I reinstalled HyperWorks after a minor problem and I can't see any metadata now. I am trying to create a material, but I can only select color, ID and add name. I can assign no properties. How do I fix the problem?
Fatigue Analysis
I'm checking parts fatigue cycle by altair MSC nastran, and I can get the P1 which is Smax and P3 which is Smin from FEM result. But I could not get the contor of Stress ratio R which is Smin/Smax. I'd like to know how to write a command to get the contor of the stress ratio. Could you please help me to get information.…
Modelling a nodal spring in Altair hyper works (Optistruct)
Hello, I am attempting to model a concrete slab that rests on soil, and I wish to represent the soil using spring elements. I would like to know which spring element type I should use to define the stiffness in the x, y, and z directions (Kx, Ky, and Kz). I have tried using CBUSH and CBUSH1D elements, but I have found that…
Meshed Fillet Area with tcl/tk
Hello, I have an objective to retrieve the fillet area from the meshed component in Hypermesh. There is no cad surfaces to get any kind of reference. So, from only the meshed surface, Is it possible to retrieve/capture the fillet area with the finite elements from a component with the help of TCL and Hm commands in…
MotionView - Angular Momentum Conservation
Hi! Is angular moment conservation present in motionview? My simulation contains following - base-plate which rotates and boxes stacked on top of it. Every object has mass and inertia defined by user and is represented with point mass (body) and graphical geometrical object. In the simulation the whole assembly spins up to…
Radioss Defense Resources
This discussion aims to collect all Radioss articles relative to defense topics. You may find links to Industry level models and methods as well as links to verification or validation studies. Defense Industry Applications Blast Applications: Altair solutions for Air Burst Explosions Link to Model Exchange Altair Solutions…
Discover the Hypermesh Aerospace Ribbon Part 1: Compare models
Introduction: The aerospace ribbon in Hypermesh offers a collection of tools developed by the aerospace field team to solve specific challenges faced in the aerospace field. However, it is available and useful for users in any field. This series of posts will document the capabilities of those tools and provide sample…
Can someone guide me on how to obtain strain results in my analysis?"
I am currently using a software tool (e.g., HyperWorks or OptiStruct) to perform finite element analysis. In class, the professor required us to calculate element stresses, strain, and displacement. however, I was able to view stress and displacement results, but I don't know how to enable or view strain results.
Missing some parts while importing <.3dm> format file types
Hi, I am trying to import <.3dm> format file type, previously it was working well but in the recent times some parts are missing when I try to import the geometry. Has anyone experienced with importing this file type and faced this issue?
How to assign properly an allowable value for a Python Certification Method in composites material
Hello there, I want to create a Failure Theory using the Certification Method tool, using a simple python script. I assign the Xt, Yt, etc with the corresponding Material allowable defined in the MAT8 card but when running the method it shows an error saying "Warning, LongTensile StressLimit not available for element". I…
Density Variation Calculation over Time for MAT/LAW1 and MAT/LAW6 in RADIOSS
When using MAT/LAW1 or MAT/LAW6, an initial density is set. How is the density change over time calculated in these cases?
Error # 4966 *** minimum time increment reached, analysis aborted.
Hi, I have this error when running my analysis. *** ERROR # 4966 *** Minimum time increment reached, analysis aborted. I tried to adjust the minimum time increment from 5e+06 to 5e+07, but the analysis took the entire night to run only 0.5%. And in the *nl.out flie, it shows the analysis failed with "element distortion".…
How to points globally in Inspire
Hi, I have a problem on my study case. I've a solver deck in Hypermesh and a model in Altair inspire. On that solver deck I have many holes for screw but on my model in altair inspire I haven't (they sent me the files like this), If it's possible, how can I tranfer my points from Hypermesh to Inspire? Alternatively I found…
Export element data for topology optimization analysis in hyperworks
Hey there! I need some help with exporting data of my object and results in hyperworks. I wish to export the data of elements which includes their coordinates or some spacial indication, which nodes/elements experience fixed constraint boundary condition, which nodes/elements experience load applied, and finally when we…
Creating connectors in hyperworks 2024.1 using solver(lsdyna)
so far am using the old GUI, now am adapting myself to the new GUI, but i found some difficulties in creating connectors (welds), not as same as the old one. could anyone help we out with this. with some materials or videos or explanations. Thanks in advance
New Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) in CADFEKO
New Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) in CADFEKO Automatic mesh adaptation to find trade-off between model size and accuracy Feko simulations are using a meshed representation to describe geometry of a model. The simulation method is needing the mesh elements to define local basis functions for describing physical quantities…
Calling a Python Script from TCL Script
Hello all, I have been trying to call a python script located in a directory with Tcl exec command in HyperWorks 2023 which doesn't give me the desired execution. How can I call another .py script from .tcl script file? Kindly give out some ways to work this out. Thanks in advance, Thirukumaran
Find the elements in "Zone"
I modeled using PCOMPP and trying to view ABD matrix but the Engg. constants are under zones. Is there a way to figure out what elements are under a given zone?
ERROR 1026
Hi I am trying to perform analysis of a model that consists of 1d beam elements and 3d tetra elements. I am getting this error 1026 duplicate id's found. I have tried multiple techniques to solve like renumbering and deleting duplicate elements but still the problem persists. Can anyone please help?
Velocity vector - incidence angle of aero profil - MotionView
Hi, I'm working on an aero project on MotionView. I need to return the incidence angle for a lift force calculation. The incidence angle is the angle between the Chord line of my aerodynamics profil (represented by one of the direction of a marker in my model) and the vector of his relative velocity, Vr. To calculate Vr, I…
ERROR:Not enough memory
Hi!I am using Optistruct to conduct a transient NVH simulation, there's an error: "Not enough memory. (error code -2)". My run option is "in-core, -nt 18". As you can see, the “.Out” file shows Estimated Memory (RAM) for In-Core Solution is 85002 MB and my computer has enough memory(248073 MB RAM) . Could you please advise…
Convert 기능을 이용한 Input 파일 변환하기
HyperMesh-Convert 기능을 활용한 Input 파일 변환하기 예를 들어서 OptiStruct User profile을 Abaqus User profile로 변경하고자 하는 경우, 상단 Files >> Convert >> Abaqus로 이동해주시면 됩니다. 클릭을 하면 HyperMesh 좌측에서 아래의 그림과 같은 새로운 브라우저를 확인해보실 수 있습니다. 브라우저를 보시면 현재 가지고 있는 모델에 대한 정보와 변환 가능 여부에 대해 확인하실 수 있습니다. 참고로 불러오는 Configuration File은 자동으로 HyperMesh 설치 경로 내에서 설정되며,…
How can I see the area and velocity of a cross section in RADIOSS?
I am currently performing a coupled fluid-structure analysis in RADIOSS. I would like to output the time history of the cross-sectional area and flow velocity at an arbitrary cross-section of the fluid (ex: surface 50mm from the inlet boundary, as shown in the image). How can I do that?