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RapidMiner Projects (git) allows you to revert or discard your local changes and start fresh. Would it be possible to allow this on a per file basis so you can choose which files to revert? Using the snapshot viewer you can see which files have been modified and the request is to have a button next to each file which…
I hoped to try the new Git integration in RapidMiner 9.7, but I ran into two obstacles: 1. I was not able to connect RapidMiner to an existing Git clone, the clone has to be done by RapidMiner. It should be possible to point to existing clones, we might not want to do Git operations exclusively through RapidMiner but also…
Good day, I'm a relatively new to Java, git, and Gradle. I want to use RapidMiner in Netbeans for a Thesis Prototype. When I try to build the jar file of RapidMiner, I get this error: <div>C:\rapidminer-studio-core>gradlew jar Downloading…
Hi RMers (especially developers), I've just take a look at the repository folder of my RM Server, and what I saw was only a bunch of numbers and rmp files without name. Is there a plan to change this? I wanted to pull some RapidMiner processes from an enterprise BitBucket without using Studio, but it doesn't seem to be…
March 5 - 6, 2025
Exceptional individuals who support the Community.
The Community Team would like to introduce the January Champion of the Month, Philip Holland @Philip_Holland. For 44 years Philip R Holland has been working with the SAS language. In that time, he has witnessed the evolution of usage of the language from mainframes to modern analytics environments used across all business…