Welcome to the Altair Community! Get Started Here
Welcome to the new and improved Community! We are excited to welcome you to the new and improved Altair Community experience. By joining, you become a part of a thriving and engaged network of over 1.3 Million users to access resources, share ideas and solutions, and connect with fellow experts worldwide. Benefit from the…
AI clustering in hypermesh generative design via student bundle
Hello, Is it available to have the concepts (clusters) in generative design via the student bundle?
サポート各位 お世話になっております。早稲田大学の榮です。 竹澤教授よりサポートを受けられるように登録してもらったと思うので質問させていただきます。 粉体の封入についてですが、添付の2つの手法を試しておりますがどちらも懸念があり、良い方法があればアドバイスをいただきたいです。 詳細は添付参照願います。
Simsolid: How to add weldment in a group of parts to have increased adaptive solution on weld
hello, I just started with simsolid. I did a study and it shows the max von mises stress on a seam weld location. Can I increase the solver adaptability on the weldment? I was able to create a group for the part on which the weld sits on for increased solver adaptation; but was not able to select the weld itself. What can…
Error # 4966 *** minimum time increment reached, analysis aborted.
Hi, I have this error when running my analysis. *** ERROR # 4966 *** Minimum time increment reached, analysis aborted. I tried to adjust the minimum time increment from 5e+06 to 5e+07, but the analysis took the entire night to run only 0.5%. And in the *nl.out flie, it shows the analysis failed with "element distortion".…
how do you create a mesh around an airfoil?
Hello, I need to create two types of meshes of a NACA 0012 airfoil in 2D. I have the airfoil and the boundary within which to create the mesh, but I can't divide the two surfaces to create the mesh. Can you help me? I'm using HyperMesh CFD Thank you
Could you reset the attempt for the following quiz?
PBS101 - Foundation Course on PBS Pro Certification 3: Site specific Customization using Qmgr / Quiz
I can't proceed with my Hyperworks desktop software due to license issue
I have got my license to run Altair Hyper works, but it is not proceeding when I am uploading the license file
弊社にて新規材料の検討をしており、検討材に対する落下衝撃解析をRadioss DropTestにて実施しております。詳細なデータを得るため、検討材の応力‐ひずみ線図のデータをインポートし解析を実施しているのですが、確認したい事項がありましたので3点ほど質問させていただきます。 ①応力-ひずみ線図をデータ点数1000点でインポートした際に解析途中で解析時間が無限に増えていくような現象が発生しました。データ点数を50点以下まで減らすことで本現象の発生がなくなりましたが、原因についてご教授頂きたいです。データ点数に制限等があるのでしょうか。また、最適なデータ点数等ありましたら、加えてご教授の程よろしくお願います。…
Error setting up Framework
Hello, i got this error message when starting Hypermesh. OS: Win 10 Pro GC: Nvidiea Quadro P2000 Hypermesh 2017.2 I already tried the following: Uninstall and reinstall, delete command.tcl, hmmenu.set, hmsettings.tcl Does anyone have an idea how to resolve this error? Greetings KHinterberger
Coplanar Waveguide - How to set up ports?
Hello community, I am currently working on a simulation involving a coplanar waveguide (CPW) in FEKO. The structure consists of a signal trace flanked by two ground planes. I’ve set up the geometry and boundary conditions, but I’m unsure if I’ve defined the ports correctly. There was an example online that I followed, but…
Where is the PRINT output sent by Altair SLC Communicate by default?
Altair SLC Link is a technology that essentially takes a local script or part of a local script from a local Workbench client and executes it on a remote platform. Any log files, HTML or Listing results, and any datasets created from executing the program remotely are returned to the client through the normal Output and…
FMU (generated from pythonfmu) deployment in Altair
Hello, I've generated a FMU from Python script that I'm trying to deploy in Altair. But I'm getting this error (see attached image) which I've been trying to detect the source of. [VERBOSE][FMICAPI] Calling fmi2GetModelTypesPlatform [INFO][Activate] fmi2_import_instantiate() [WARNING][Activate] FMU does not make an…
How to enable or disable geometries in EDEM
Hi experts, I was trying to find a way to enable or disable geometries at any time in the simulation in EDEM. Is this possible? Ex. I want the one blade to disappear in a mixer, maybe after 4 seconds. Thank you.
Feko Simulation Models for Anten’it Prototype Antennas
Antennas are fundamental components of wireless communication systems, enabling the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves. The design and fabrication of antennas are critical for achieving optimal performance in terms of radiation pattern, gain, bandwidth, efficiency, etc. Simulation is an important tool to…
Transfer component structure from Siemens NX
Hello everyone, I would like to use the component structure from Siemens NX in Motion View. I have the problem that I work with complex component structures that are very conveniently summarized in NX. If I now export the assembly to MotionView to edit it further there, the entire part structure falls apart and I have…
Why is the section plane moving in visualization mode (Post) ?
I have an issue related to the visualization of a CFD analysis. When I put a section plane and animate it, it moves, instead of showing the movement "inside" of it. Such as the current movement as the time passes. Before, when I was studying an individual piece it would let me, but now I have this big cluster of pieces and…
How to points globally in Inspire
Hi, I have a problem on my study case. I've a solver deck in Hypermesh and a model in Altair inspire. On that solver deck I have many holes for screw but on my model in altair inspire I haven't (they sent me the files like this), If it's possible, how can I tranfer my points from Hypermesh to Inspire? Alternatively I found…
Aerospace : LandingGear multi-discipline model, actuation and drop test simulation
Overview: The LandingGear model can be used to demonstrate: OptiStruct flexible bodies in MotionSolve Flexible translational joint in MotionSolve Linear analysis, FRFs and CPSDs in MotionSolve Hydraulics actuation in TwinActivate MotionSolve cosimulation in TwinActivate TwinActivate hydraulics actuation in MotionSolve Tire…
Does Flux consider theese existing forces?
If I model an existing Lorentz forces based actuator in Flux I found out that the real forces seem to be less than the ones given by the simulation. I thougth that this could be because of some reasons and I do not know if this is already considered by the sowftware or not. This is the list of possible causes: -Brake…
How to calculate Q-values with HyperWorks CFD
I would like to use the Post Proces of HyperWorksCFD to calculate Q-values and visualize vortex structures, but I don't know how to do it. Please let me know how to do it.
New MD DigitalTwin Driver feature
Overview: The new MD DigitalTwin Driver feature is part of the new "MD_Tools for Compose" extension. MD DigitalTwin Driver intends to enable NEW users (targeting project managers, system and test engineers) to leverage EXISTING advanced multi-discipline models for parametric simulation and related results investigation…
Automated script result need to import in excel sheet. Is it possible?
I had made a script to perform automated review for Meshing based on defined requirement. If 10 steps are there, when each step performing it popup with PASS or FAIL. Now am planning to import this pass or Fail data into Excel sheet. Is it possible?
Altair Inspire Crashes After SplashScreen
Hi everyone, just installed Altair Inspire, my drivers are up to date but can't get Inspire to start up, anyone had this issue?
EDEM Simulator Grid 설정 문의
EDEM Simulator Grid 설정 시 Auto grid resizing 설정과 비설정 후 Estimate Cell size 로 수동 설정 시 해석결과가 상이하여 문의드립니다. 차이가 무엇이고, 어떻게 설정하는 것이 적합한지 문의드립니다.
Minimum Support for W-Apriori
Hello, I'm confused about the parameters in W-Apriori in Weka Extension. Which parameter is it for me to set my minimum support?