SimLab Automation, identyfying faces, bodies, creating groups

Hi everyone!
I wanted to improve my quick scripts to enable submodelling procedures as well as to make the flow more accessible for other geometries.
I've stumbled on some issues while trying to identify the ID of faces inside my model. Basically it is a housing part that is pre-cutted and therefore it has submodell region. I've merged those separate bodies so they "see" each other via equivalenced nodes (i ve recieved such results with the SurfaceMesh option where Create matching mesh (Parasolid) is ON). Now i want to create a group based on all FE faces which are apparent at this stage in model (to generate surface which will be applied to pressure, to define membrane element and so on) and here i cannot really find a direct solution. Is there an argument which would enable me that?
for example:
I'm making the variable "EntityIdArrayAllFace" using fuction as:
I feel like this is not the fastest way…