Level 2 IGBT model

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to simulate a three-phase inverter. Using the ideal switch model, I managed to get plausible waveforms. However, when I replaced the ideal switches with the Level 2 model, the waveforms are no longer accurate.
I’ve gone through all the videos and documentation I could find, but I still can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. The current waveforms look very strange, and the voltage waveforms are quite irregular.
Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Adrià,
I have tested existing example of 3-ph inverter with P Q control. It is available in PSIM»»File»»Open Examples»»dc-ac»»3-ph inverter with P Q control.
It is with ideal switches. I changed this ideal to level2. Here we have to use multilevel on/off controller and inside need to select "control to model". Its working fine. You can try this once.
Further, if you have made your own circuit, then you can compare with existing examples. Otherwise, please share the model and elaborate the problem with result images.
Thank you,
Vishwanatha Siddhartha