What is the prior probability P(C = ‘no’) ? how i can find prior probability in this table ? Naïve
New Altair Community Member
in the RapidMiner Academy there are multiple videos about Naive Bayes.
Here's RapidMiner founder Ingo explaining the algorithm:
If you look at the model description, it says:SimpleDistribution
Distribution model for label attribute Play Class no (0.357143) 4 distributions Class yes (0.642857) 4 distributions
These are exactly the fractions of the values in the entire distribution - the prior probability of the class in the training data.
The numbers you see in the table can be interpreted as "the fraction of the data where Outlook = overcast and Play = yes".
Balázs1 -
If you look at the table, you can see that the probabilities shown will total to 1 (not accounting for rounding) for each class for each attribute. So there are 4 possible values for the outlook attribute (rain, overcast, sunny, unknown) and 2 classes (yes/no) and the sums for each set will total to 1.1