How to model non-linear orthotropic material in Optistruct Non-Linear Solver

ronk_1976 Altair Community Member

Hi Everyone, can someone help me regarding how to model non-linear orthotropic material in the optistruct non-linear solver?

I have 2 stress strain curves. One "stiffer" curve for in-plane behaviour, and one curve at approx 1/3rd of the stiffness, for out of plane behaviour.

In Optistruct itself the Mat9Orth only allows for linear material properties. I tried multiscale designer, but I wasn't able to figure out the unit-cell that could be representative, nor the way to use the inverse characterization to come to something useful.

Anybody who can help here?


  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    Orthotropic material with plasticity is not yet supported in Optistruct as well as Multiscale designer.

    Isotropic material supports plasticity which can be defined in MATS1 card.

  • ronk_1976
    ronk_1976 Altair Community Member

    Thanks for the reply. That's a real pity.

    I will have to research then if it's possible when switching to Radioss.

    Kind regards