Radoop connection error (Failed: fetching dynamic settings)

i have added radoop extension successfully and established connection with apache hadoop 2.6 and spark 1.6 . while testing , hive server started properly then i am getting an error which i will show u below with screenshots.
error while testing
hadoop and hive configurations
spark config
can anyone help me to solve this issue???
Best Answer
the Apache Hadoop installation may not have a value for the yarn.application.classpath property, which is then treated as a default value according to https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.6.2/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-common/yarn-default.xml.
I would try to add a new Advanced Hadoop Parameter entry with key=yarn.application.classpath and empty value. You may get a warning when closing the dialog that the value is empty, but that can be ignored in this case (according to the yarn defaults, empty means default). If this does not work, the multi-line default value that is described in the link above for this property can be copy-pasted to the value cell instead.
the Apache Hadoop installation may not have a value for the yarn.application.classpath property, which is then treated as a default value according to https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.6.2/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-common/yarn-default.xml.
I would try to add a new Advanced Hadoop Parameter entry with key=yarn.application.classpath and empty value. You may get a warning when closing the dialog that the value is empty, but that can be ignored in this case (according to the yarn defaults, empty means default). If this does not work, the multi-line default value that is described in the link above for this property can be copy-pasted to the value cell instead.
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thanks for the help, the error which i specified was resolved, but now namenode and resource manager web pages are not opened and getting following warning when am trying to open the name node and resource manager page in hadoop data view tab.
help me to resolve this.
hadoop data view warning
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those links only point to the default address of these pages, they may run at different ports. These addresses are actually not used by RapidMiner.
However, I suspect that in this case, the opening of the default browser fails. Can you open these addresses in Mozilla? If not, the ports may be different.
This should not affect anything else in RapidMiner.