RapidMiner Radoopでビックデータ分析
ビックデータを使った分析を行おうとした時に、課題として挙がってきやすいこととして、コンピュータ性能の拡張や複数のコンピュータでの分散処理などがあります。金銭的にせよ時間的にせよ、どれもコストが掛かってしまいやすく、乗り越えられないままビッグデータ分析が暗礁に乗り上げてしまうこともあります。 RapidMiner Radoopなら、Apache Hadoop とSpark とHiveを使って、コード無しの分散型機械学習を簡単に実装出来ます。本記事ではそんなRapidMiner Radoopの概要についてご紹介しますので、ビッグデータ分析に興味がお有りの方は一度、ご覧ください。
Software Support Policy for Data Analytics Products
Software Support Policy Latest Product Versions Product Name Current Version Versions Supported Altair Monarch (formerly Altair Modeler) 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Monarch Server 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Panopticon (formerly Panopticon Server) – Visualization Server 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Knowledge Studio/Seeker 2024…
I am getting error of Process failed: Wrong input of type 'Data table' at port 'example set input'.
after converting Radoop Nest process to In Database Nest process while running python script output dataframe, is showing polynomial type then I use to store the results in csv and then use csv to convert into nominal type but still getting the same error
I am not able to put breakpoint and see conversion happening inside spark RM ?
I am not able to put breakpoint and see conversion happening inside spark RM inside Radoop Nest? I there any way we can put break point and see conversion happening inside Spark RM operator.
Anyone with experience of big data analysis with Rapidminer
Hi, Is there anyone who has experience in handling Big data with Rapidminer? We want to have an online session (Dec 7, 8:15-10:00 Swedish time) for our students.The idea is that a person who has experience with Big Data in Rapidminer can deliver an online lecture with some theory and some experiments (how to do it). Max…
[RM 9.6] Radoop Process Failed with java.net.SocketTimeoutException
Hi, We encountered an issue which our Radoop process failed to run with following error: 2021-01-15 12:34:02.234 ERROR 22662 --- [taskScheduler-1] c.r.e.j.service.ErrorReporterService : Exception during execution eu.radoop.exception.NoStackTraceOperatorException: HiveQL error. Message:…
Using S3 connection with KMS key in a Radoop Nest
Hi, In one of our processes, we are working with a Radoop Nest (retrieving data from Hive).After some actions, we want to store the results in an Amazon S3 bucket using a KMS key. We have already configured the S3 connection with the KMS key, but we are not able to use it when storing the data inside the nest: it is…
set mapreduce memory for certain hive query
hi, if i have to run query hive like this "set mapreduce.map.memory.mb=2048set mapreduce.map.java.opts=-Xmx2458m select * from table A" can i do it in rapidminer? which operator i should use to set parameter like that?
how to add radoop extension in rapidminer
my rapidminer 9.6 does not show radoop extension. how to download it
I have a problem connecting Radoop to Cloudera Quickstart VM
I have a problem connecting RM (v 9.5) to Cloudera VM (5.13.0). Full connection test fails on testing Pyspark and Spark. If anyone can help, I can send the test results and log file for details.
Problem in connecting Radoop to my Cloudera cluster on Azure
I am trying to connect Radoop to my Cloudera Cluster on MS Azure having Spark 2.4. All test went well but I got an error in Spark test (spark staging directory error). Nov 24, 2019 10:55:31 PM]: Test succeeded: Fetch dynamic settings (9.605s)[Nov 24, 2019 10:55:31 PM]: Running test 2/5: Spark staging directory[Nov 24, 2019…
Radoop Hive connection test fail on 'Create permanent UDFs'
Hi, I'm trying to setup radoop connection to a secured cloudera cluster with Sentry enabled. Hadoop Admin has manually created UDFs in my test db, but I'm still getting errors: [Sep 27, 2019 3:56:09 PM] WARNING: The version of the rapidminer_libs jar on the HADOOP_CLASSPATH (9.0) is for another version of RapidMiner…
Error Radoop with hive connection
Hello . I am configuring Radoop with Hadoop HDP hortonworks (import from cluster manager) and when I run tests in hive it return the following error [Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Integration test for 'DL_LMK_DESA 2' started. [Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Using Radoop version 9.3.0. [Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Running 11 tests:…
AWS Rapidminer Radoop radoop_connections.xml
Folks, We are using the Rapidminer AWS AMI BYOL for server. I have been able to connect my studio to a hadoop cluster in my organization. I need to connect server to cluster. I need to know where should I copy the radoop_connections.xml(from my studio) to on the server. I am not very clear about the path from the product…
Distribute process on a cluster of machines using RM Studio and Radoop extension
Dear community, I have an academic ML project and i need to distribute the process on a cluster of machines Thus, I'm asking if you can provide me with resources or tutorials on how to distribute some process on a cluster using the RM Studio with the Radoop extension ? Thanx
Azure HD Insight 3.5 and Radoop: cannot get it to work
Hi, I want to connect with RM Free Edition 9.3 using Radoop Basic to Azure HD Insight 3.5+ and using Spark 2.2. I have everything setup as suggested in the manuals and forums. I imported the cluster info from Azure in RM. In Azure all services, including Hive, Spark etc. are working. Using a test with PowerBI via the…
Why do I get a HTTP 503 "Service Unavailable" when trying to access the support portal?
When logged into my account (with paid licenses) and trying to access the support portal, my browser keeps redirecting for about ten minutes until the "Service Unavailable" error is shown. I've tried writing using the contact form, and even got a confirmation email. But no answer. Is my country/company/IP blacklisted? Is a…
Healthcare data warehouse
Dear RM friends, In 2016 we published a paper in PLOSOne to demonstrate the potential of RM for the integration, use, analysis, etc of a large medical database (MIMIC-III) in a dedicated Hadoop cluster with Hive server using Radoop. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0145791 The paper was…
Process Pushdown error
I'm working on radoop. I'm using the sparkRM to extract association rules. for that, I apply the fpgrowth in the sparkRM operator subprocess. I have these error : SparkRM: The driver resource request has not yet been granted to the Spark job.joined the process and the error.
Radoop on RapidMiner Server
Is it possible to execute a Radoop process on RapidMiner Server as a web service? I'm not able to do it. Thank you!
Split difference in normal vs radoop process
Hi I have a field which I Split() into different columns, and I got by each Split the attribute without problem when using current rapid operators, when I do the same in radoop I get a simple column but rather than having the text as I got in the normal case I am getting ["a","b","c"] I want to have a single attribute for…
How can I set tblproperties on hive table?
I want to create a hive table in PARQUET format but also compressed with SNAPPY. Can't find the way with the Store in Hive operator. Any help would be appreciated
Radoop Full Test Fail with Spark (Apache Hadoop 2.8.1, Spark 2.2)
I am facing the same issue with following links, https://community.rapidminer.com/discussion/51889/radoop-full-test-spark-job-test-error-hadoop-2-8-spark-2-1-1/p1. Does anyone have the solution to this problem?
Radoop Full Test failing
I am new to Radoop and trying to setup a development enviornment. My setup is - Virtual Machine (Ubuntu) running in Virtual Box (I am not using HDP Image) - 5GB Ram is assinged to the VM - Spark 2.0.0 - Hadoop 2.8.5 - Hive 2.3.3 My quick tests are all okay. When I run full tests, I get the following error [Nov 4, 2018…
"Trouble Running Market Basket Analysis in Radoop Nest"
I'm running Market Basket Analysis in Radoop Nest. I retrieve my data from Hive. And since there's no FP-Growth and Create Asociation Rules in Radoop Operator, I run them in Spark RM but always finding this trouble: Process failed abnormallyOoops. Seems like you have found a bug. Please report it in our community at…