"Rapidminer 5 and parrallel extension"

niccolo_camarli New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Dear all,

I'm trying to use rapidminer 5.0 community edition with the parallel extension to speedup my jobs.
I noticed that, unfortunately, at present there are few operators using the parallel extension. In particular i need to use the "batch-x-validation" or the "loop and average operator"  and i was wondering if you plan to include these operators in the next releases of the plugin.

Thank you

Niccolo' Camarlinghi


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    of course we would like to do this, but currently we simply short on time, so it will have only a minimal priority. The new operator usage statistics are designed to give us an impression, which operators are used frequently, so that we can improve them and not wasting time and energy in operators nobody uses and the Batch-X-Validation seems not to be very widely used.
    Of course there are always two ways: You could write this operator yourself, and if you want, we could include it into the core. Or you could hire us for implementing it, so that it would get a high priority.

    Uhm. Sounds like cheap advertisement, sorry for that, but that's the way it works, when the software itself is free.
