Toyota Venza Horizon: Failure & Shortcuts Risk Assessment in Battery Cells

Altair Employee
edited October 3 in Altair Exchange


The goal of this article is to showcase the new failure criteria for battery packs (/FAIL/SAHRAEI), available in Altair Radioss and OpenRadioss. This failure criteria allows to predict failure and shortcuts in battery cells.

This article includes:

  • 1 ready-to-use Altair Radioss model
    • Altair Radioss version is V2023
    • The Unit System is in t, mm, s, MPa
    • The model is using /FAIL/SAHRAEI.
  • A session file to analyze quickly the simulation results
  • A report with a summarized description of the model and expected results

Usage/Installation Instructions

Unzip to get the Radioss input file. 

Refer to the report "Toyota Venza Horizon - Failure & Shortcuts risk assessment in Battery cells" to get more info.