Hotspot Comparison Tool
Comparing analysis results is a frequent chore for most FEA engineers. This script makes that process just a little bit easier, even setting up pages to easily export a report with the “Session Report” tool. Every engineer does things a little different so this script can also be a framework to get the exact comparison you want. Also, with a page for each hotspot the session can be modified, or some pages selected to exclude, to get a custom report after the script is run. The workhorse in this script is the hotspot core tool.
Currently the life result type is hard coded in the script. There is a comment in the code indicating where this could be changed. There are also many variables in the namespace block that can be adjusted to modify the results. Adding some of these options to the GUI or having them in a config file is a good next step.
When the scrip is run, the GUI below appears where the user can select the model and result files they want to compare, and the life limit they want to use for the hotspot search. Again, this could be changed to a different result type.
The presentation attached is exported with the “Session Report” tool right after running the script.
The results files are too large to attach but the models I used can be found in article KB0121002 and KB0121003.
Usage/Installation Instructions
Script can be run straight from tcl console or "Load" in file menu.