Outputting Pressure Time History (TH) File in RADIOSS

Yuki Kaneko
Yuki Kaneko Altair Community Member
edited August 2024 in 質問と回答 (Q&A)

In RADIOSS, how can I output the time history of the pressure on a surface? For example, I want to output the fluid pressure at the location z = 450 mm.


  • Polyvios Romanidis
    Polyvios Romanidis New Altair Community Member
    edited June 2024

    Hi Yuki,

    First of all, the model you have sent is not properly defined (materials and properties are missing), but that is not related to the following.

    What exactly you mean to output the history of the pressure on the surface?  

    The way I think it you can either create a contour in HyperView to see the pressure behavior in the whole section cut, or select a specific point (or points) and plot the pressure value through time.

    1) For the contour option, you can open your results in HyperView and create a section cut at z=450mm.  The you can plot a contour only in the blood domain and see the results based on the contours and colorbars.

    2) For TH file of a specific node, you can select a specific element in HyperView and select /Plot/Pressure and click Apply.  Of course this element might not show exactly what you want, because its center will not locate exactly at z=450mm.

    3) Finally, you can insert a sensor and rerun your simulation.  To do that you have to set up a more complicated model.  You have to create a shell element (ideally in the surface of an existing solid element).  This element will not affect you model but will be used for reference.  It is crucial this element to locate in a way that z-axis will be normal to it.

    After you create this element you can insert it in a part with VOID material and property.  In this way no effect in your model will exist.

    Then you can go to /Model.../Interactions.../Sensors.  Then change Card Image to Gauge and turn Gauge creation options to element definition and select the shell element you have created in Shell_ID window.

    Then, based on your shell element z coordinate you have to insert the distance between this element and the z=450mm plane in DIST window.

    After you have set up the pressure, you can go to /Analyze.../Output.../Time History... and create a new TH output request.  The Entity should change to sensors and the sensor you have created should be selected.  You can then select the NUM of VARIABLES to one and select pressure  (you can have higher number of variables is you want to see density or internal energy too).

    After all you have to rerun this simulation an open the calculated results with TH files in HyperGraph Line.  If you want to insert different points of the surface you have to create more shell elements and do the same for them.


  • Yuki Kaneko
    Yuki Kaneko Altair Community Member
    edited August 2024

    Hi Yuki,

    First of all, the model you have sent is not properly defined (materials and properties are missing), but that is not related to the following.

    What exactly you mean to output the history of the pressure on the surface?  

    The way I think it you can either create a contour in HyperView to see the pressure behavior in the whole section cut, or select a specific point (or points) and plot the pressure value through time.

    1) For the contour option, you can open your results in HyperView and create a section cut at z=450mm.  The you can plot a contour only in the blood domain and see the results based on the contours and colorbars.

    2) For TH file of a specific node, you can select a specific element in HyperView and select /Plot/Pressure and click Apply.  Of course this element might not show exactly what you want, because its center will not locate exactly at z=450mm.

    3) Finally, you can insert a sensor and rerun your simulation.  To do that you have to set up a more complicated model.  You have to create a shell element (ideally in the surface of an existing solid element).  This element will not affect you model but will be used for reference.  It is crucial this element to locate in a way that z-axis will be normal to it.

    After you create this element you can insert it in a part with VOID material and property.  In this way no effect in your model will exist.

    Then you can go to /Model.../Interactions.../Sensors.  Then change Card Image to Gauge and turn Gauge creation options to element definition and select the shell element you have created in Shell_ID window.

    Then, based on your shell element z coordinate you have to insert the distance between this element and the z=450mm plane in DIST window.

    After you have set up the pressure, you can go to /Analyze.../Output.../Time History... and create a new TH output request.  The Entity should change to sensors and the sensor you have created should be selected.  You can then select the NUM of VARIABLES to one and select pressure  (you can have higher number of variables is you want to see density or internal energy too).

    After all you have to rerun this simulation an open the calculated results with TH files in HyperGraph Line.  If you want to insert different points of the surface you have to create more shell elements and do the same for them.


    Hi Polyvios,

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    I haven't deliberately set the model parameters here.

    Regarding method 3, is it possible to output the results not just for a single shell element but to take the average over the entire section(surface) as shown in the figure? I tried both the method you suggested and using TH/SURF, but I couldn't set it up successfully.

    This time, I would also like to output not only the pressure but also the change in cross-sectional area and the average flow velocity through the section.




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