Streamline of particles in AcuTrace

K. Yamamoto
K. Yamamoto Altair Community Member
edited October 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi, experts.

I understand that in order to plot particle trajectories (streamline) as the analysis results of AcuTrace, it is necessary to obtain streamline data, as described on the page at the following URL. I have the following questions regarding this.

(1) I would like to output streamline data, but is the following execution command correct?
acuTransTrace -pb ${INPUT} -to endstats -endopt streamline

(2) The manual about "endopt" command at the above URL page says "if available," but what are the conditions for obtaining streamline data?

(3) Is the streamline endstats data output as a "[Problem name].trace.end file"?

(4) What kind of data does the output file in (2) consist of? Is the change in coordinates over time for each particle in a table?

(5) Is it possible to plot particle trajectories (streamlines) in HyperWorks CFD?

(6) Is it possible to output the change in velocity of each particle over time as numerical text (string) data?

Thank you.


  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2024

    1-2) Streamline data depends on having TRACE_OUTPUT active/defined when AcuTrace is run.  This gives the particle data every 'n' segments of the particles.  The endstats output gives only the data for the particle when it stops being tracked - and the streamline option indicates to use the trace-output (streamline) data for that ending information.  The endstats only uses available data types (from TRACE_OUTPUT, TIME_CUT_OUTPUT, and/or POINCARE_OUTPUT).

    3) Correct - the -endstats option for acuTransTrace produces the .end file

    4) The -endstats option from acuTransTrace includes only information at the end of the particle's tracking - so only a single point in time for each particle.  The data table (Table 2) towards the end of the acuTransTrace page gives the definition for each column in the .end file.

    5) There is currently no method to plot streamlines/trajectories in HyperMesh CFD.  From Table 1 on the acuTransTrace page, the only translation type for acuTrace streamlines is to Fieldview.  (Seems acuDisplay is no longer shipped.)

    6) There is currently no method to directly output particle change-in-velocity, only particle velocity. 

    NOTE - We can view the particle positions themselves in HyperMesh CFD after translating data to Ensight format - but not the stream/trace lines.