The settings for AcuTrace

K. Yamamoto
K. Yamamoto Altair Community Member
edited October 2024 in Community Q&A

Thank you for your assistance. I have the following four questions.


I performed a fluid analysis in AcuSolve (single-phase flow, fluid: water, turbulence) in Transient mode for 60 seconds in 0.01 second increments, and in AcuTrace, I set Max time=0 and Flow field type=Static in Setup to give a steady flow field using the last time step output by AcuSolve. In addition to this, I set constant_gravity = { 0, 0, -9.81 } in the tin file FINITE_MASS for the same gravity acceleration as in AcuSolve.

With Max time=50, Flow field type=Dynamics, and no gravity acceleration, the calculation completed in 18 seconds, but with the above conditions, the calculation is not complete even after 3 hours. I think there must be some kind of problem, but I would appreciate it if you could tell me what the possible causes are.



Is possible that a wall set as a Slip in AcuSolve's wall boundary condition is set as a Reflecting wall in AcuTrace?



I have a question about the Output frequency in AcuTrace.

For example, if output freqwuency=10, I understand that the particle behavior is output every 10 segments, but is my understanding correct that this is not specifically related to the timecut interval? output frequency=10, Time cut > Start time=0, End Time=4.5, Interval=0.1, the output animation consists of a 45-page snapshots, and the output frequency of the particle behavior seems to be determined by Interval.

Does the resolution of the particle behavior in the animation change regardless of the value of output frequency?



Related to questions (1) and (3), are there any restrictions on the output settings when using AcuTrace for analysis with Flow field type=Static? For example, what values can be set for Output frequency and Timecut > Interval, and if it is necessary to be consistent with the settings in AcuSolve, please let me know in detail.
