How to apply ramped load condition in optistruct?

Shubham Chaudhari
Altair Community Member
I am simulating a Ramped load condition simulation on single component.
We are making a methodology simulation for single component from Assembly drop test to Static Analysis.
In optistruct, can we use ramped load with time duration upto 0.2 second for simulation.
What will be the respective cards and procedure to do same in Altair?
Hello Shubham,
You can use TLOAD1 and call it in DLOAD for the subcase.
When defining TLOAD1 you have to select Excite ID, select the type (load, disp, velo, acce, temp), and select TID.
In TID you can define your ramp (for instance, from (0,0) to (0.2,1).
Define TTERM = 0.2 in NLPARM or the appropriate time (same when using TSTEP).
I hope this works for you,Thank you very much,