Facing eeor in coupled simulation of EDEM 2022.3-AcuSolve 2023.3 the simulation of gas-solid fluidized bed error occured

PhD scholar Mahesh
Altair Community Member
"An extra timestep was run due to a simulation stop disconnection during coupling pasude which was not scheduled to be the end of the simultion run,, this need to ensure all required data are correctly saved at the end of simulation" plese find the attechment the simulation sttped in first time step how to fix it
Hi Mahesh,
it is difficult to say about what is causing to stop the run.
However, looks like the setup is not correct, can you please share the simulation file. because there is also re-circulation is happening.
Prasad A
1 -
Very difficult to say what is wrong, but as mentioned in other comment, need to share files, as it is very likely incorrect setup.
Is this a tutorial?
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