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Hello, I am currently investigating the kinematic process of grinding in a stirred mill. Hence my focus is on per-particle stresses. I want to know how to add an expression in EDEM in order to calculate the maximum principal stress from the stress tensor and visualize the maximum stress on my system. If this is possible,…
Does anyone have the .dll file (CUDA GPU) of the BondedParticle_CM_v3_1_0 model? Can you share it with me? Thank you https://community.altair.com/community/en/edem-api-contact-model-example-updated-bond-model-example-of-customisation?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0122075
inspire을 설치하려고 다운로드 받은 후 AxAltairInspire2024_win64 이 파일을 설치하려고 눌렀는데 위에 사진 처럼 manifest2024.json file 문제 라고 뜹니다. 어떻게 해결할 수 있나요?
I aim to create an RBE at the center of a surface, bounded by a limit circle, in HyperMesh's new interface. I had done it in Simlab before, but I don't know how to do this in hypermesh (new interface). Here is how to select the node on the surface with a limited radius and centroid with Simlab. Here is in hypermesh
i would like to upgrade my student license from 2022 t0 2024
Hi, I am a new EDEM user, I tried to download the EDEM-fluent coupling interface but i could not find it , can you please help me with it and me the link to its page ? Thanks
Hello, There may be a bug in how the currents are stored (or ordered) in the .out files. Using the Surface Current and Charges dataset object within the LUA environment, we wrote the results into a text file (please see the script below for details). We tested this with purely dielectric (epsilon_r = 2.56) and purely…
Hello, I found a bug that causes POSTFEKO to crash with a critical error when exporting a dataset using the script editor's DataSet: ExportMatFile() function. It only occurs when we export the dataset for composite structures (i.e., made up of metallic and dielectric regions). The export function works perfectly in purely…
Are there tools to evaluate the effect of rotor overhang (when the rotor length in bigger than the stator length) in 2D analysis with Flux or FluxMotor?
I have downloaded and followed all the steps for activation but it just isn't popping the right window. Please refer to the screenshot. I also tried this with 2024 Inspire edition. I have the activation key.
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