Python scripting in Motionview

Tl;dr - how do I call a python script from Motionsolve interface?
For a more thorough description - I read the documentation of Motionview 2022.3 regarding Python scripting and I would like to know, how can I write my custom scripts in python? At home I use VS code with python and I am used to some basic coding but I am confused by Motionsolve. I have a series of questions:
1) User Guide speaks of msolve library - this library comes installed with Altair? I have found few libraries with the same name online.
2) When I write the script, do I run it from e.g. VS code or from Motionsolve?
Thank you everyone for the help!
Hello Vojtech,
The msolve library does come installed with Motionsolve. There are some tutorials on how to create python scripts with the msolve library. Information can be found here:
For information regarding the msolve package. Please refer to here:
The MotionSolve Juptyer notebook can be used to run the msolve scripts.
If you would like to use the mview library. Those commands can be found here:
This can be run in MotionView. In 2022.3 you can right click the model browser to open a python window to script, you can also run a python script. In versions 2023 and above the python window can now be toggled on in the view menu.
Christopher Fadanelli