Structural Damping Input for Vibration Frequency Operating Response Analysis

Yee Cheng Lian
Yee Cheng Lian Altair Community Member
edited December 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi, i am working on a vibration analysis project that requires the stress and acceleration output from the modal frequency operating analysis. However, the value of the stress output is really dependent on the structural damping ratio input. May i know whether the normal modes analysis in hyperworks itself or any other features is able to output a simulation based structural damping ratio so that i can use that as an input for the operating analysis? My difficulty here is that i cant do experimental normal modes analysis for every single case study to obtain the experimental structural damping ratio as an input for the simulation, so i am seeking for any method that allow me to generate structural damping ratio based on my simulation model and boundary conditions.


Thank you everyone!