Student Hyperworks 13.0 for Windows Licensing error 9

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

To whom it may concern,


I have successfully downloaded and installed the program on my pc, after having registered for use on another computer.


When I download the license file, with the correct name, and stick it in the security directory - the program should open; instead I recieve licensing error 9.


Dont know what to do...


  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2015



    The software requires a license file to be placed in the security folder, named as altair_lic.dat to function.


    This license file is generated and provided by us specific to a

    particular computer based on its Ethernet ID, this license file will

    work on only that one computer, no other,


    If you need to use the software on a different computer than the one you first requested the license for, please identify the Ethernet Id on this computer and use it to request for a  new license file.


    Please just follow the instructions here -


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