How can I solve: "The group of volume regions: - STATOR is multiply connected (have hole(s))." ?

pcolgon Altair Community Member
edited 2023 01 in Community Q&A


I have the following situation. I'm analyzing a 10 pole 12 slots PMSM, at the moment in the static magnetic application mode. My approach was to extrude the stator and rotor faces and to let the winding spots empty. In these empty spaces, I wanted to implement some non meshes coils. However I'm getting the error message:

The group of volume regions:
is multiply connected (have hole(s)).

There can be a problem called connexity problem if a coil forms
an interlacing with the group of volume regions.
If you have a connexity problem, you must create a cut of
magnetic circuit which cuts the group
of volume regions.

In past forum questions, I read to perform a magnetic cut which I tried, however this step would fail, due to the fact that the rotor volumes are in contact with a frontier between mechanical sets. (I'm supposing rotor and stator sets) Hope someone can help to solve this issue.


  • C_Favre
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 30


    You can find more information about the connexity problem in the help of Flux available by clicking on the question mark in the Flux supervisor.  By entering magnetic connectivity problem in the search area. In the case of rotating machine this message is often just a warning.  Indeed This message has to be considered only in case of the slots are close by magnetic region. I mean a magnetic region between the tooth is it the case in your project? 

    In your message I also read that the rotor volumes are in contact with a frontier between the mechanical set, normally you should have an air region around your rotor with a mechanical set rotor and an air region in the stator side with a mechanical set stator in order to have the frontier between the two mechanical set in the middle of the airgap as shown in the picture attached. Is it the case in your project?

    Best regards.

    Cyril Favre

  • pcolgon
    pcolgon Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 01

    Thank you for your reply Cyril,

    I'll have a look with the help button in the Flux supervisor. I "fixed" the issue by working with a symmetric PMSM, so just one half of the motor.

    I designed the volumes of the motor exactly as you stated, an air region belonging to the rotor mechanical set and an air region belonging to the stator mechanical set, bascially as described as in the examples included in the Flux supervisor.

    Best regards,

    Patrick Colgon