Instructor led attendance certification missing

elmehdi Altair Community Member


I attended the instructor led courses for OptiStruct for Non-Linear Analysis but on my profile they are still mark as incomplete and thus I cannot receive my online certifications.

Best Answer

  • GTT Paola
    GTT Paola
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi El Mehdi,
    Thank you for your request.
    I've checked your attendance and updated it.
    You should now see your certificate.
    Best regards,
    Paola Ledermann


  • GTT Paola
    GTT Paola
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi El Mehdi,
    Thank you for your request.
    I've checked your attendance and updated it.
    You should now see your certificate.
    Best regards,
    Paola Ledermann