Rainflow Counting Algorithm - Create Simple 3D Plot

Overview: This OML script shows how to create a 3D histogram from results from the rainflow OML command. These are the steps it takes:

  1. Create signal to analyze
  2. Evaluate rainflow counting algorithm
  3. Create 3D histogram from means & ranges
  4. Format histogram to show cycle count for means & ranges

Prerequisite: Install Altair Compose 2022.1 or later / Download attached script.

Usage/Installation Instructions: Download the attached OML file. Open in Compose and run it to inspect the resulting plot.

Post-Requisite: Substitute the signal definition segment of the script with your own data (can be imported from external sources) if desired.

Release Version: This OML script was created in Compose 2024.1, but should work in earlier version up to Compose 2022.1.