Stress deformation Analysis in Altair Hypermesh

Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member

Hi! I am currently looking to perform a finite element analysis for a 3D block with dimensions 2 x 0.4 x 0.05 for which i am applying constraints on one face of the block which has cross section 0.4 x 0.05 where i have meshed this using '0.1' sized meshing hence 8 nodes (4 on the upper edge and 4 on down edge) are under fixed constraints. Opposite to this face the other edge has force on its four nodes in downward direction of 10000 magnitude. I applied loadstep further and all material and property and clicked on analyze and optistruct is also generating result file but i am unable to see proper results as in not able to visualize deformation.

I need help with finally being able to visualize this deformation properly in optistruct and also record the coordinates of nodes of block before and after deformation and also record which nodes experienced force and fixed constraints. It would be helpful if i am directed to some sort of tutorial for this or please help me visualize the results properly.


  • Hello @Shantanu132132 ,

    your displacements seems indeed quite large. Did you double check that all your values (forces, material data, thickness) were consistent as a matter of unit sytsem)?

    Also, why do you want to record node coordinates before and after deformation?

    Last, did you specify all outputs of interest? SPC force for instance should allow you to get information at enforced/constrained nodes?

    Best Regards,


  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee


    Verify the input data as suggested by my colleague Michael.

    You can define SPCFORCE and GPFORCE output to fine force output in SPC and nodes respectively.

    You can go through the below tutorial for linear static analysis set up.



  • Shantanu132132
    Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member


    Thanks for your reply @Michael and @Rajashri. I do not understand what "Did you double check that all your values (forces, material data, thickness) were consistent as a matter of unit sytsem)?" means like what am i supposed to check and how is it affecting the results and what should i enter instead.

    Also i add a loadstep where i do add the load collectors corresponding to force and fixed constraints in SPC and Load. Does that suffice and help me obtain force and fixed constraint data experienced by each node in the object (i.e basically i wish to record which nodes experience it and which dont).

    I need the before and after of deformation.

  • Hello @Shantanu132132 ,

    when you create a model, all physical values (material data, forces) should be consistent as a matter of unit system. So if you pick a distance in mm and a Young Modulus in MPA, you may have to make sure your force is in N.

    You can look table at the bottom of this online help article:

    Hope that helps,


  • Shantanu132132
    Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member

    Also when i am attempting to open Results in Hyperview it is saying "

    Unable to invoke expression builder. Possible reasons could be,
    1. ResultMath is disabled.
    2. Model and Result files were not loaded simultaneously." What do i do about this?

  • Hello again,

    did you set the Result Math template to Standard or Advanced when loading the results:



  • Shantanu132132
    Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member

    This is what i obtained now i need help with obtaining the object's before and after condition in some processable format and i also need to fetch data corresponding to loads applied and fixed constraints experienced here. Tell me please how to do it? And please in an elaborate manner

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    You can define OLOAD to see the applied load and SPCFORCE to see the force where constraints are there. Both OLOAD and SPCFORCE can be defined in Global Output request. You can right click in model browser, Create—>cards—>Output. This will create Global output request. Then you need to define OLOAD and SPCFORCE in that like in the image shown.



  • Shantanu132132
    Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member

    Thank you for the answer rajashri, i still need to you know save this data of force, fixed constraints, the displacement obtained or you know how the initial object was and how the deformed object is(in terms of coordinates or whatever), i need this all as an output as well, could you tell how do i do that as well please.

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    You can check displacement, SPCFORCE,OLOAD in hyperview.

    Even you can export the deformed shape and see the nodal co-ordinates.

  • Shantanu132132
    Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member

    Exactly what i am asking you how to do. I am able to visualise contour plots of displacement, stresses, applied loads and fixed constraints (SPC). Now i wanna know how do i export this to use in python or some other coding language. The initial object, deformed object, the force and the SPC contour plots or some data indicating for all nodes which nodes experienced force/SPC and which did not.

  • Shantanu132132
    Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member
    edited January 23

    Kindly answer if this is even possible to do in altair hypermesh

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    I am not sure which format you are looking to use. But you can 1st plot the contour (displcement, stress etc.) and then query the result and export it to excel. Refer the attached pic for this.

  • Shantanu132132
    Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member

    Thanks. I will try the above. I am facing another issue. I am doing topology optimization and while doing that i use the optimize menu stuff. So using cards > output i did add SPCF, OLOAD, GPCFORCE etc all needed to visualise the outputs in hyperview. It works perfectly fine when i do it for deformation visualisation using in analyze menu but for topology i am unable to see those options at all.

    Kindly help out with this.

  • Shantanu132132
    Shantanu132132 Altair Community Member

    Hi @Rajashri_Saha and @Michael Herve_21439

    So i followed what you advised me to query results for SPCforces and applied forces through contour(SPCForces) and then query results. But is it possible that i get both these columns in 1 table? Like i want these columns: SPCForces, Applied forces, SPCForces, Displacement(x), Displacement(y), Displacement(z) and also the node coordinates column shows me geometry of original object or deformed object here?