Circuit of 3ph LISN

Mario_Steiner Altair Community Member


I am trying to build up EMI Simulation and i found the EMI blocks in PSIM, especially the LISNs and the EMI reciever. I would like to use them but i do not know what the underlying subcircuits are. in CISPR 16-1-2 a RLC network for the LISN in 1ph is provided, including the values for R, L and C's.
Of course i could contruct the LISN i want by myself but i would be convenient to use the already built-in elements.

Also i would like to know how the Signal analyzer works.

My main concern is, that at our company the EMI testing is done with certain equipment. And to be able to compare simulation to measurements, i need to know what properties the EMI elements in PSIM have.

Could you provide me a subcircuit for the LISN and Signal Analyzer?

Best regards, Mario



  • VSiddhartha
    Altair Employee


    The requested information pertains to proprietary aspects of our solution. Due to its sensitive and confidential nature, it is not something we can share directly. However, I will consult with our development team to explore if there is an alternative or tailored solution that we can provide to meet your requirements without compromising our policies.

    I will get back to you shortly with an update. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

    Thank you,

    Vishwanatha Siddhartha