is the fmtsearch SAS option supported by Altair?

e_amoros Altair Community Member
edited January 10 in Community Q&A

Dear All,

I have searched for "fmtsearch" on this website and got " no result found"…

Is it supported by ALtair?

In an existing SAS program I use the option fmtsearch(libname) to say in which library to search for existing formats.
When I run this in Altair analytics workbench I get neither an error neither a message telling it is ok
It looks it does not work because when I open a dataset whose formats are defined in this specific library, I get the following error message (which I did not get when using SAS) :

data regselrest;

ERROR: Format $FBLESSE was not found or could not be loaded
4234 set svg.regselrest;
4235 run;

NOTE: DATA step was not executed because of errors detected
NOTE: The data step took :
real time : 0.023
cpu time : 0.000

Thank you in advance for your help



  • Hi e_amoros,

    ERROR: Format $FBLESSE was not found or could not be loaded

    This means that the FORMATS catalog created from the lib=LIBRARY reference is not a SLC catalog that contains the FBLESSE format. Could the LIBRARY refer to a SAS Institute catalog location? SLC will not read or process or update SAS Institute catalog files that procedures such as PROC FORMAT use.

    You can try running the below which will only work if LIBRARY is an SLC/WPS catalog reference.

    proc format lib=LIBRARY cntlin=work.format;

    Hope it helps.

    Thanks & Regards,
