license key installation failed
Hello, I installed SLC server and analytical workbench. when I tried to apply my student license to the SLC server, it gave me the following error. can you please help me in getting up and running as I could not find relevant topic in the forum. I am new to Altair and intend to try R, Python, AI/ML
Log file:
NOTE: Copyright 2002-2024 World Programming, an Altair Company
NOTE: Altair SLC 2024 (
Licensed to
NOTE: This session is executing on the X64_WIN7PRO platform and is running in 64 bit mode
1 L1JT3-G36K5-9UUP7-SZ8NU
ERROR: Only PROC SETINIT can be invoked when the SETINIT command line option is supplied
Hi RajaSekar111,
Have you received a WPSKEY/SETINIT license file from Altair? (This is a text file containing a PROC SETINIT sas language step.) If so you can apply it using a command line like this:
"C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC\2024\bin\wps.exe" -setinit "NAME OF FILE.wpskey"
Once you have successfully run that command then SLC is licensed on your machine.
If you have not received a license file then you can instead use the built-in Personal License. The personal license is applied using this command line:
"C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC\2024\bin\wps.exe" -personal
More information here:
Best Regards,