Size Design Variable Creator

Macros to create design variables to use when configuring size optimization.
*This script is only available on the optistruct interface.

Usage/Installation Instructions:

  1. Run script > Click 'Select'

  2. Select Property

  3. Variable settings

App Function Description

  1. Select Property
    • Select Property: Choose the Property for creating a Design Variable (supports PBARL, PBEAML, PSHELL only)
  2. Selected Property Information
    • Card Image: Displays the selected Property’s Card image (PBARL, PBEAML, PSHELL)
    • Property Type: Displays the selected Property’s Property Type (OptiStruct supports the 1D Section as follows)
      • 1D: BAR, BOX, BOX1, CHAN, CHAN1, CHAN2, CROSS, H, HAT, I, I1, L, ROD, T, T1, T2, TUBE, Z
      • 2D: SHELL
  3. Design Variable List
    • Type: Displays the types of Design Variables that can be set for the selected Property.
    • Name: Enter the name of the Design Variable.
    • Init Value: Sets the initial value of the Design Variable (Default: Displays the current Property value).
    • Lower Value: Sets the lower bound of the Design Variable (Default: Initial Value × 0.8).
    • Upper Value: Sets the upper bound of the Design Variable (Default: Initial Value × 1.2).
    • Coefficient: Sets the Design Variable Relationship Coefficient (Default: 1).
    • Design Variable Link: Links the Design Variable to be created by selecting the Design Variable Link.
  4. Button
    • Apply: Creates the Design Variable.
    • Close: Exits the app.

Release Version: 2024.1