Run Optistruct from Linux results in error

Alice7 New Altair Community Member

Hi everyone,

I'm just getting started with Optistruct and I have some questions regarding running it from the command line.

When I do:

$/home/azanella/2024.1/altair/hwsolvers/optistruct/bin/linux64/optistruct_2024.1_linux64 "test.fem"

I get this error: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I don't get why would it need libcublasLt to run.

If I run it with: /home/azanella/2024.1/altair/hwsolvers/scripts/optistruct "test.fem"

It starts running but I still get this: /home/azanella/2024.1/altair/hwsolvers/scripts/optistruct: 320: [: optistruct: unexpected operator

Can someone explain to me what command I should give and why do I get these errors?

Thank you so much! 😀
