Anyone knows are the support tickets being rewiewed?

hath Altair Community Member

Any suggestions on how to get help on support ticket? I opened already 3 of them on the same subject one was closed upon formal reason without attention the othe two did not even draw any attention from support team.


  • GTT Adam
    GTT Adam
    Altair Employee

    Hi @hath,

    Our Support Team is active and potentially experiencing higher volume than normal due to the time of year. What products are you submitting tickets for?


    Adam Reid

  • hath
    hath Altair Community Member

    My trouble is a Thea Render license I own for years. A while ago Thea was unable to access lisence server in order to have my Thea 1.5 licensed. I issued the ticket about 3 weeks ago or even earlier and it was closed unresolved. I made another one and another one yet nobody takes care.