The voltage probe VpwmA has one node floating!

Harry_D Altair Community Member

Hello, I'm trying to follow your YT tutorial on getting started with F28379D. However, I cannot simulate an example that you have provided. Please help!


  • VSiddhartha
    Altair Employee


    As I can see from the attached image, 1-ph PWM F2837x and DSP clock are disabled. So, you are getting the error. Enable the 1-ph PWM block. For enabling the block, use ""CTRL+E".


    Select the 1-ph PWM and DSP clock blocks, enable them (Please see image)

    In PSIM, these schematics are available: PSIM»»File»»Open Examples»»Code Generation»»F2837x Target»»1-ph PWM.

    Thank you,

    Vishwanatha Siddhartha