ASCII Format Optistruct Superelement

MarcKuebler Altair Community Member

When using the ASCII format for creating CMSMETH reduced stiffness and mass matrix, is it possible to represent the original structure with plotel elements (same as what happens when using MODEL = PLOTEL, ALL,RIGID command with output being H3d format)? Does anyone have an example or documentation I could follow.


Best Answer

  • Alberto Campagna_20590
    Alberto Campagna_20590
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓


    you can add PARAM,SEPLOT,YES to the superelement creation run to get a .seplot file with the PLOTEL.

    Then in the residual run you need to link this file with an INCLUDE command.

    Kind Regards.


  • Alberto Campagna_20590
    Alberto Campagna_20590
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓


    you can add PARAM,SEPLOT,YES to the superelement creation run to get a .seplot file with the PLOTEL.

    Then in the residual run you need to link this file with an INCLUDE command.

    Kind Regards.

  • MarcKuebler
    MarcKuebler Altair Community Member

    Thank You Alberto. This worked great!😀