Checksums for Hypermesh 2024?

Plinio Savietto_21067
Plinio Savietto_21067 Altair Community Member
edited September 16 in Community Q&A

What is the hash used for checksums in Hypermesh 2024?

I downloaded hwDesktop2023.1_win64.exe and was checking the file against the checksum provided in the Marketplace. Everything good, it checked out. Then, I decided to check the hwDesktop2024_win64.exe file and the hash was completely different. But then it hit me. The output size (256 bit) was double from that of the MD5 (128 bit), meaning that it could not be MD5 anymore.

My questions are: why did they change it all of a sudden? How can I know which hash was used for the checksum if they do not inform me?

Checksum: a4617c35fc1f93abac40156acbf233d2
Checksum: beba13af08df54bf22094a973e0c0b826e231dad87cb33f7078cc7523c81a1d6


  • Chayan
    Altair Employee
    edited August 23

    You are right. the new checksums are using SHA265 and not MD5. The change from MD5 to SHA256 was done for security reasons.

    I have informed our Marketplace team to look into improving the clarity of the checksums on our portal.
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  • Matthieu Pupat
    Matthieu Pupat
    Altair Employee
    edited September 13


    Please see this article for checking your downloaded installers.


    Matthieu Pupat

  • Plinio Savietto_21067
    Plinio Savietto_21067 Altair Community Member
    edited September 16

    Thank you for the link, @Matthieu Pupat!

    But you do realize that the article was written 4 days after my original question, right? So my doubt was valid at the time, even if I had searched for articles explaining the matter.

    Anyhow, wouldn't you agree that it is the uploader's duty to inform what type of hash he used? It is a simple information to add. Not in an article that few people will view, but in the download page, right next to the checksum. The customer should not have to guess.

  • Matthieu Pupat
    Matthieu Pupat
    Altair Employee
    edited September 16

    Thank you for the link, @Matthieu Pupat!

    But you do realize that the article was written 4 days after my original question, right? So my doubt was valid at the time, even if I had searched for articles explaining the matter.

    Anyhow, wouldn't you agree that it is the uploader's duty to inform what type of hash he used? It is a simple information to add. Not in an article that few people will view, but in the download page, right next to the checksum. The customer should not have to guess.


    The date displayed on our articles is the date it was last updated, not the date it was created.

    Like my colleague Chayan mentioned earlier, we have informed our Marketplace team to look into improving the clarity of the checksums on our portal.

    Thanks for your suggestions in making our Markletplace better.

    Matthieu Pupat

  • Plinio Savietto_21067
    Plinio Savietto_21067 Altair Community Member
    edited September 16


    The date displayed on our articles is the date it was last updated, not the date it was created.

    Like my colleague Chayan mentioned earlier, we have informed our Marketplace team to look into improving the clarity of the checksums on our portal.

    Thanks for your suggestions in making our Markletplace better.

    Matthieu Pupat

    Not a problem, Matthieu! I appreciate being able to help you guys improve the Marketplace.

    Last thing, about the article. The one you linked have no revision, so my original statement still stands. But thank you for the information about articles updates, as I did not know it. I also saw that, in articles that do have revisions, I can see all the outdated versions, which is pretty good, if you ask me.

    Cheers, mate!