How to i use optimal K in applying the model when i’m supposed to classify a market category?
New Altair Community Member
I’m supposed to split the dataset into 70% training and 30% test datasets. Apply the k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm using the optimal k. Interpret the results. Discuss the
performance of the predictive-type or classification-type learning.
I tried using KNN clustering but i just ended up analysing the financial ratios. Please help🙏
I tried using KNN clustering but i just ended up analysing the financial ratios. Please help🙏
Hi @ko2579,
Just to take each part of your question:- You can split your data into a training/test split using either Split Data or Split Validation
- Make sure you use Set Role to set the correct variable to be your label
- To find the optimal k value, you could manually change the k value, or use the X Means operator which will do this for you. See this thread here: